హ్రస్వ దృష్టి మార్కెటింగ్ ఉంది .. | Marketing Myopia is a.. | Sakshi
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హ్రస్వ దృష్టి మార్కెటింగ్ ఉంది ..

Published Sat, May 10 2014 9:43 PM | Last Updated on Sat, Sep 2 2017 7:11 AM

హ్రస్వ దృష్టి మార్కెటింగ్ ఉంది ..

హ్రస్వ దృష్టి మార్కెటింగ్ ఉంది ..

SBI Po's Special

 Marketing Awareness

1.    What do you mean by Social Marketing?
     a) Society bye-laws
     b) Share market prices
     c) Marketing for a social cause
     d) Internet Marketing
     e) None of these
 2.    Generation of sales leads can be improved by
     a) Product designs
     b) Engaging Recovery Agents
     c) Being Passive
     d)    Increasing personal and professional contacts
     e) Being very talkative
 3.    Marketing channels means?
     a) Delivery objects
     b) Sales targets
     c) Delivery outlets
     d) Delivery boys    e) Sales teams
 4.    What does CMR (Customer relationship management) means?
     a) A tool for lead generation
     b) An ongoing daily activity
     c) The task of a DSA
     d) A pre-sales activity
     e) All of the above
 5.    Cross-selling is not effective for which one of the following products?
     a) Debit cards
     b) Saving accounts
     c) Internet banking
     d) Pension loans
     e) Personal loans
 6.    Customization means?
     a)    Special products to suit each customer
     b) Acquiring more customers
     c) More products per customer
     d) Regulating customers
     e) All of the above
 7.    Which of the following is not an objective of pricing?
     a) Profit
     b)    Stabilizing demand and sales of the product
     c)    Improvement in product quality
     d) Expansion of business
     e) All the above
 8.    Another name of semi finished product is:
     a) Work    b) Work in progress
     c) Progress of work
     d) Slow progress
     e) None of the above
 9.    Global marketing is:
     a) The development of marketing strategies for the entire world or major regions of the world
     b)    Performing marketing activities across national boundaries
     c)    The creation of value and the exchange of value between countries
     d)    Having firms with operations or subsidiaries located in many countries
     e)    None of these
 10.    In Marketing Cost Analysis, Selling Expenses are allocated according to……..
     a) Size of Order
     b) Customers    c) Territories
     d) Any of these
     e) None of the above
 11.    Which internal factor can affect the pricing decision of enterprise?
     a) Company's objective
     b) Company's brand image
     c) Nature    d) Marketing channel
     e) All of the above
 12.    EMI can be marketing tool if
     a) EMI is Increasing
     b) It is very high
     c) It is very low
     d)    EMI has no impact on marketing
     e) EMI is a flat rate
 13.    Marketing Myopia is a state in which a marketer is:
     a)    Preoccupied with product and selling and ignores customer
     b)    Consumer Oriented
     c)    Sales Oriented    d) All of these
     e) None of the above
 14.    Different products remain in existence for a different limited period. This is called:
     a) Product life cycle
     b) Product life
     c) Product maturity
     d) Product decline
     e) Product growth cycle
 15.    Which of the following pricing methods are not based on competitors pricing?
     a) English auction
     b) Sealed bid auction
     c) Going-rate pricing
     d) Group pricing
     e) All of the above
 16.    Which of the following is not related to Penetration price?
     a) Initial low price
     b) Is a long term policy
     c)    To capture the market in a gradual manner
     d)    Heavy advertisement & promotional expenditure necessary
     e) None of the above
 17.    A distribution channel has several ______ Points
     a) Exchange    b) Distribution
     c) Selling    d) Buying
     e) None of the above
 18.    When a Marketing Mix is tailored to suit some specific target customers, it is called…….
     a) Specific Marketing
     b) Target Marketing
     c) General Marketing
     d) Tailored Marketing
     e) None of the above
 19.    The present value of a likely fu-ture income stream generated by an individual purchaser is
     a) Customer life time value
     b) Net rate of return
     c) Internal rate of return
     d) All of the above
     e) None of the above
 20.    A channel is a _____Organ of Marketing
     a) Live    b) Lively
     c) Sterile    d) Lifeless
     e) None of the above
 21.    Which of the following type of Marketing is Suitable to introduce a New Product?
     a) Concentrated      b) Industrial
     c) Target      d) Synchro
     e) None of the above
 22.    Life Style Information helps to develop Promotional Strategies by…….
     a)    Giving a far more comprehensive profile of the target audience
     b)    Indicating as to how the product or the service fits into people's life
     c)    Giving a Clue as to how people would respond to the given message
     d)    Only 'a' & 'b' above
     e)    None of the above
 23.    Among the following forecasting techniques, which one is the Quantitative Method………
     a) Panel Consensus
     b) Delphi Method
     c) Time- Series Method
     d) Market Survey
     e) None of the above
 24.    ROI Stands for...
     a) Return on Investment
     b) Rate on Interest
     c) Return on Internet
     d) Rule on Investment
     e) None of these
 25.    In Green marketing, products are sold related with____
     a) Blue color
     b) Green Packaging
     c) Polluted items    d) Eco-friendly
     e) Harmful products
 26.    In Marketing Cost Analysis, Selling Expenses are allocated according to………..
     a) Size of Order
     b) Customers    c) Territories
     d) Any of these
     e) None of the above
 27.    Which of the following is not related to Penetration price?
     a) Initial low price
     b) Is a long term policy
     c)    To capture the market in a gradual manner
     d)    Heavy advertisement & prom-otional expenditure necessary
     e)    None of the above
 28.    Which internal factor can affect the pricing decision of enterprise?
     a) Company's objective
     b) Company's brand image
     c) Nature
     d) Marketing channel
     e) All of the above
 29.    Which of the following is Buyer behavior?
     a) A technique of purchase
     b) A tool of advertising
     c)    All psychological, social and physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, and tell other people about product and services
     d) All of these
     e) None of these
 30.    Match the growth stage of life cycle of the product?
     a)    Sales low: Product making losses
     b)    Sales pick up: Good profit
     c)    Sales high: Good Profit
     d)    Sales pick up: Product likely to break-even
     e)    None of these
 31.    Which of the following is correct order in the product life cycle?
     a)    Introduction, growth, decline, maturity
     b)    Introduction, maturity, growth, decline
     c)    Introduction, maturity, decline, growth
     d)    Introduction, growth, maturity, decline
     e)    None of the above
 32.    In retail banking, which of the following is the beginning point of the marketing process?
     a) Product itself
     b) Product development
     c) Product selling
     d) Customer    e) All of the above
 33.    The customer expects the banks to be willing to help them and provide prompt service. This falls under which of the following customer expectation..
     a) Care    b) Reliability
     c) Responsiveness
     d) Assurance     e) Respect
 34.    Marketing of Banking Products is a/an…
     a)    Tangible marketing management practice
     b)    Intangible marketing management practice
     c)    Virtual marketing management
     d)    All of these    e) None of these
 35.    'Make or Sell' concept is related with?
     a) Old Marketing Concept
     b) Social marketing Concept
     c) New Marketing Concept
     d) All of these    e) None of these
 36.    Which of the following is the new marketing concept?
     a) Consumers satisfaction
     b) Marketing research
     c) Social obligation
     d) All of these
     e) None of these
 37.    Which one of the following is a deciding factor for the expansion of turnover of a Commercial Bank?
     a) Price    b) Product
     c) Place     d) Promotion
     e) All of these
 38.    The unbranded and undifferentiated products are called?
     a) Potential products
     b) Expected products
     c) Augmented products
     d) Generic products
     e) All of the above
 39.    Which is the most important factor for positioning a product?
     a) Unique selling proposition
     b) Customer's mind
     c) Advertisement and publicity
     d) All of these
     e) None of these
 40.    For the existence of a product, which of the following is not a threat?
     a)    Changing in the customer preferences
     b) Changing in the environment
     c) Competition    d) None of these
     e) All of these
 41.    Marketing use 'Unique Selling Point' (USP) or 'Unique Selling proposition' for?
     a) Bringing a new product
     b) Product differentiation
     c) Selling a product
     d) All of these    e) None of these
 42.    New product idea is generated from:
     a)    In-house ideas of the employees associated with the product
     b)    Market Research based on customer expectation
     c)    Suggestions solicited from staff members
     d) All of these    e) None of these
 43.    Foreign banks, for their retail banking business, mainly make use of:
     a)    In house source
     b)    Partial outsourcing
     c)    End to end outsourcing
     d)    Mostly outsourcing based on business model
     e)    None of the above
 44.    P/V Ratio stands for?
     a) Product volume ratio
     b) Product value
     c) Profit Volume Ratio
     d) Product variation
     e) None of these
SBI Po's Special
 Marketing Awareness
 1.    What do you mean by Social Marketing?
     a) Society bye-laws
     b) Share market prices
     c) Marketing for a social cause
     d) Internet Marketing
     e) None of these
 2.    Generation of sales leads can be improved by
     a) Product designs
     b) Engaging Recovery Agents
     c) Being Passive
     d)    Increasing personal and professional contacts
     e) Being very talkative
 3.    Marketing channels means?
     a) Delivery objects
     b) Sales targets
     c) Delivery outlets
     d) Delivery boys    e) Sales teams
 4.    What does CMR (Customer relationship management) means?
     a) A tool for lead generation
     b) An ongoing daily activity
     c) The task of a DSA
     d) A pre-sales activity
     e) All of the above
 5.    Cross-selling is not effective for which one of the following products?
     a) Debit cards
     b) Saving accounts
     c) Internet banking
     d) Pension loans
     e) Personal loans
 6.    Customization means?
     a)    Special products to suit each customer
     b) Acquiring more customers
     c) More products per customer
     d) Regulating customers
     e) All of the above
 7.    Which of the following is not an objective of pricing?
     a) Profit
     b)    Stabilizing demand and sales of the product
     c)    Improvement in product quality
     d) Expansion of business
     e) All the above
 8.    Another name of semi finished product is:
     a) Work    b) Work in progress
     c) Progress of work
     d) Slow progress
     e) None of the above
 9.    Global marketing is:
     a) The development of marketing strategies for the entire world or major regions of the world
     b)    Performing marketing activities across national boundaries
     c)    The creation of value and the exchange of value between countries
     d)    Having firms with operations or subsidiaries located in many countries
     e)    None of these
 10.    In Marketing Cost Analysis, Selling Expenses are allocated according to……..
     a) Size of Order
     b) Customers    c) Territories
     d) Any of these
     e) None of the above
 11.    Which internal factor can affect the pricing decision of enterprise?
     a) Company's objective
     b) Company's brand image
     c) Nature    d) Marketing channel
     e) All of the above
 12.    EMI can be marketing tool if
     a) EMI is Increasing
     b) It is very high
     c) It is very low
     d)    EMI has no impact on marketing
     e) EMI is a flat rate
 13.    Marketing Myopia is a state in which a marketer is:
     a)    Preoccupied with product and selling and ignores customer
     b)    Consumer Oriented
     c)    Sales Oriented    d) All of these
     e) None of the above
 14.    Different products remain in existence for a different limited period. This is called:
     a) Product life cycle
     b) Product life
     c) Product maturity
     d) Product decline
     e) Product growth cycle
 15.    Which of the following pricing methods are not based on competitors pricing?
     a) English auction
     b) Sealed bid auction
     c) Going-rate pricing
     d) Group pricing
     e) All of the above
 16.    Which of the following is not related to Penetration price?
     a) Initial low price
     b) Is a long term policy
     c)    To capture the market in a gradual manner
     d)    Heavy advertisement & promotional expenditure necessary
     e) None of the above
 17.    A distribution channel has several ______ Points
     a) Exchange    b) Distribution
     c) Selling    d) Buying
     e) None of the above
 18.    When a Marketing Mix is tailored to suit some specific target customers, it is called…….
     a) Specific Marketing
     b) Target Marketing
     c) General Marketing
     d) Tailored Marketing
     e) None of the above
 19.    The present value of a likely fu-ture income stream generated by an individual purchaser is
     a) Customer life time value
     b) Net rate of return
     c) Internal rate of return
     d) All of the above
     e) None of the above
 20.    A channel is a _____Organ of Marketing
     a) Live    b) Lively
     c) Sterile    d) Lifeless
     e) None of the above
 21.    Which of the following type of Marketing is Suitable to introduce a New Product?
     a) Concentrated      b) Industrial
     c) Target      d) Synchro
     e) None of the above
 22.    Life Style Information helps to develop Promotional Strategies by…….
     a)    Giving a far more comprehensive profile of the target audience
     b)    Indicating as to how the product or the service fits into people's life
     c)    Giving a Clue as to how people would respond to the given message
     d)    Only 'a' & 'b' above
     e)    None of the above
 23.    Among the following forecasting techniques, which one is the Quantitative Method………
     a) Panel Consensus
     b) Delphi Method
     c) Time- Series Method
     d) Market Survey
     e) None of the above
 24.    ROI Stands for...
     a) Return on Investment
     b) Rate on Interest
     c) Return on Internet
     d) Rule on Investment
     e) None of these
 25.    In Green marketing, products are sold related with____
     a) Blue color
     b) Green Packaging
     c) Polluted items    d) Eco-friendly
     e) Harmful products
 26.    In Marketing Cost Analysis, Selling Expenses are allocated according to………..
     a) Size of Order
     b) Customers    c) Territories
     d) Any of these
     e) None of the above
 27.    Which of the following is not related to Penetration price?
     a) Initial low price
     b) Is a long term policy
     c)    To capture the market in a gradual manner
     d)    Heavy advertisement & prom-otional expenditure necessary
     e)    None of the above
 28.    Which internal factor can affect the pricing decision of enterprise?
     a) Company's objective
     b) Company's brand image
     c) Nature
     d) Marketing channel
     e) All of the above
 29.    Which of the following is Buyer behavior?
     a) A technique of purchase
     b) A tool of advertising
     c)    All psychological, social and physical behavior of potential customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume, and tell other people about product and services
     d) All of these
     e) None of these
 30.    Match the growth stage of life cycle of the product?
     a)    Sales low: Product making losses
     b)    Sales pick up: Good profit
     c)    Sales high: Good Profit
     d)    Sales pick up: Product likely to break-even
     e)    None of these
 31.    Which of the following is correct order in the product life cycle?
     a)    Introduction, growth, decline, maturity
     b)    Introduction, maturity, growth, decline
     c)    Introduction, maturity, decline, growth
     d)    Introduction, growth, maturity, decline
     e)    None of the above
 32.    In retail banking, which of the following is the beginning point of the marketing process?
     a) Product itself
     b) Product development
     c) Product selling
     d) Customer    e) All of the above
 33.    The customer expects the banks to be willing to help them and provide prompt service. This falls under which of the following customer expectation..
     a) Care    b) Reliability
     c) Responsiveness
     d) Assurance     e) Respect
 34.    Marketing of Banking Products is a/an…
     a)    Tangible marketing management practice
     b)    Intangible marketing management practice
     c)    Virtual marketing management
     d)    All of these    e) None of these
 35.    'Make or Sell' concept is related with?
     a) Old Marketing Concept
     b) Social marketing Concept
     c) New Marketing Concept
     d) All of these    e) None of these
 36.    Which of the following is the new marketing concept?
     a) Consumers satisfaction
     b) Marketing research
     c) Social obligation
     d) All of these
     e) None of these
 37.    Which one of the following is a deciding factor for the expansion of turnover of a Commercial Bank?
     a) Price    b) Product
     c) Place     d) Promotion
     e) All of these
 38.    The unbranded and undifferentiated products are called?
     a) Potential products
     b) Expected products
     c) Augmented products
     d) Generic products
     e) All of the above
 39.    Which is the most important factor for positioning a product?
     a) Unique selling proposition
     b) Customer's mind
     c) Advertisement and publicity
     d) All of these
     e) None of these
 40.    For the existence of a product, which of the following is not a threat?
     a)    Changing in the customer preferences
     b) Changing in the environment
     c) Competition    d) None of these
     e) All of these
 41.    Marketing use 'Unique Selling Point' (USP) or 'Unique Selling proposition' for?
     a) Bringing a new product
     b) Product differentiation
     c) Selling a product
     d) All of these    e) None of these
 42.    New product idea is generated from:
     a)    In-house ideas of the employees associated with the product
     b)    Market Research based on customer expectation
     c)    Suggestions solicited from staff members
     d) All of these    e) None of these
 43.    Foreign banks, for their retail banking business, mainly make use of:
     a)    In house source
     b)    Partial outsourcing
     c)    End to end outsourcing
     d)    Mostly outsourcing based on business model
     e)    None of the above
 44.    P/V Ratio stands for?
     a) Product volume ratio
     b) Product value
     c) Profit Volume Ratio
     d) Product variation
     e) None of these
 1) c    2) d    3) c    4) d    5) d
 6) a    7) d    8) b    9) a    10) d
 11) e    12) c    13) a    14) a    15) d
 16) d    17) a    18) b    19) a    20) a
 21) a    22) d    23) c    24) a    25) d
 26) d    27) d    28) e    29) c    30) d
 31) d    32) a    33) c    34) b    35) a
 36) d    37) e    38) d    39) b    40) d
 41) b    42) d    43) d    44) c
 1) c    2) d    3) c    4) d    5) d
 6) a    7) d    8) b    9) a    10) d
 11) e    12) c    13) a    14) a    15) d
 16) d    17) a    18) b    19) a    20) a
 21) a    22) d    23) c    24) a    25) d
 26) d    27) d    28) e    29) c    30) d
 31) d    32) a    33) c    34) b    35) a
 36) d    37) e    38) d    39) b    40) d
 41) b    42) d    43) d    44) c


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