బ్యాంకింగ్ అవేర్నెస్
1. At present, Which of the following bank's (largest share-holding 82.23%) is still held by Government?
a) Union Bank of India
b) United Bank of India
c) Uco Bank
d) Punjab National Bank
e) None of the above
2. The existing FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) Policy is modified recently. Important features are?
a) Unlisted companies can also raise capital abroad
b) No prior permission is required to raise capital abroad
c) No permission is also required for subsequent listing in India
d) The above provisions are allowed initially for a period of two years only.
e) All the above
3. At present public sector banks are offering 4% interest on Savings Bank Deposits, whereas Bharatiya Mahila Bank is offering?
a) 4.5% on all the deposits in SB portfolio.
b) 4.25% on all the deposits in SB portfolio
c) 2% excess interest to Mahila Senior Citizens
d) 4.5% on SB balances utto Rs 1.00 lakh and 5% on balances above Rs 1.00 lakh
e) All the above
4. In case of delay in providing credit under RTGS, the beneficiary bank has to pay compensation at current __ to the beneficiary customer per day?
a) Repo Rate+2% b) Repo Rate
c) Repo Rate + 3% d) Bank Rate
e) None of the above
5. As per the provision of Companies Act 2013. What is the minimum paid up capital of a private company?
a) Rs 1.00 lac b) Rs 2.00 lac
c) Rs 3.00 lac d) Rs 4.00 lac
e) Rs 1.00 Crore
6. In NEFT Unique transaction Reference (UTR) is a ______ character number?
a) 20 b) 16 c) 26 d) 30 e) 11
7. Which of the following agencies, is empowered to frame rules specifying the period of preser-vation of records & instruments by a banking company?
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Central Government
c) Competent court
d) Indian Banks Association
e) None of the above
8. Which of the following orders, the RBI may pass when the affairs of a banking company are detrimental to the interest of public?
a) To call any officer of the Bank to discuss the matter with RBI officials
b) RBI may depute its officer to watch the proceedings at any meeting of the Board of Directors
c) To instruct Banking company to make within specified time the changes in the manage-ment
d) None of the above
e) All the above
9. Which of the following state-ments is not correct in connection with interest on loans & advances?
a) The bank may waives the part or full of interest charged to a borrower
b) The bank has liberty to provide interest free loan to a borrower
c) In case the interest charged by the bank is not inconformity with the rate prescribed by the RBI, the court may disallow such excess interest
d) The bank can charge the interest below the prime lending rate
e) All the above
10. Which of the following is not correct regarding selective credit control?
a) Bank loans extended to speculators to hoard goods will lead to inflation
b) Bank credit to consumers to raise demand for durable consumer goods will also lead to inflation
c) The commodities are selected at random
d) Selective credit controls are used to control inflationary pressure
e) All the above
11. Which of the following guide-lines are applicable in connection with shortfall in lending to priority sector?
a) An equivalent amount of shortfall under agriculture sector should be invested with RIDF
b) Any shortfall in achieving sub-target under SSI sector, an equivalent amount should be invested with SIDBI
c) Interest of RIDF investment is payable at 40%
d) None of the aboe
e) All the above
12. Which of the following is the description of a Fixed Deposit Receipt?
a) It is a Negotiable Instrument
b) It is a document of Title to Goods
c) It is a transferable Instrument
d) It is a undertaking to indemnity
e) A Not Negotiable and Transferable instrument
13. In a Company, the registration of charges is required for?
a) Loan against FD
b) Lien on Govt. Securities
c) Book Debts
d) Loan against Shares
e) All the above
14. KYC guidelines have been framed on the basis of four core components. Which of the follo-wing in not core component?
a) Customer Acceptance Procedure
b) Customer Identification Procedure
c) Monitoring of Transaction
d) Risk Management
e) Management of Operational risk
15. In Flying Club a/c, cheque signed by the Secretary is received after his death. Whether it is payable?
a) It will be paid
b) It should not be dated subse-quent to date of death.
c) Both a & b
d) Cannot be paid
e) Can be Paid at the discretion of Branch Manager
16. In Internet banking, without involving another bank, what can be done?
a) FD can be issued
b) Intimation regarding LC
c) Issue of cheque
d) Customer funds can be transferred
e) None of the above
17. Payment of interest on Savings Bank accounts by Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) would be calculated on a ______ with effect from April 1, 2010?
a) Minimum balance between 10th and the last date
b) Daily product basis
c) Maximum balance between 10th and the last date
d) No interest payable from 1st April 2010.
e) None of the above
18. Banks print Cheque books having similar particulars. The format of Cheque is prescribed by which Act?
a) N.I. Act 1881
b) It is a Practice / Customs and Usage
c) Transfer of Property Act
d) Sale of Goods Act
e) None of the above
19. Claim payable under the CGTMSE credit guarantee scheme to a women entrepreneur whose loan amount in default is Rs. 80 lac is __ lac?
a) 40 b) 50
c) 55 d) 60 e)65
20. One of the following is not a characteristic of Cash Credit?
a) There will be series of disbursements and repayments
b) Stock statements are to be submitted periodically
c) Cheque book facility is given
d) Interest is debited to the account periodically
e) All the above
21. Break Even Point indicates the level of a business activity where?
a) The business breaks down
b) All costs are recovered.
c) Projected profits are recovered
d) Fixed costs are recovered
e) None of the above
22. Section 42(1) of RBI Act 1934 deals with which of the following
important ratios?
a) Cash Reserve Ratio
b) Statutory Liquidity Ratio
c) Credit Deposit Ratio
d) Debt Equity Ratio
e) None of the above
23. IBPC stands for?
a) Inter Bank Principal code
b) International Bank for Petro Chemicals
c) Inter Bank Participation Certificate
d) Inter Bank Personal clearing
e) None of the above
24. A 3 years Term Deposit Receipt was originally issued in the name A who nominated 'B'. as nominee. Subsequently, B's name was deleted and C's name was added. After one year B's name is deleted and D's name is added?
a) Accept the request and act accordingly as nomination can be changed any number of times.
b) Not accept the request as change of name is permitted only once.
c) Accept, provided B also gives consent
d) Not accept as RBI directives prohibit such a change
e) Nomination can be changed only twice.
25. Financial assistance for the activity which is not considered indirect finance to agriculture is?
a) Agro service centre
b) Loans to Electricity Boards
c) Finance to primary agricultural societies
d) Bio gas
e) None of these
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. a
6. b 7. b 8. e 9. b 10. c
11. e 12. e 13. c 14. e 15. c
16. d 17. b 18. b 19. c 20. d
21. b 22. a 23. c 24. a 25. d