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బ్యాంకులు పి.ఒ. పరీక్ష మోడల్ పేపర్

Published Tue, Nov 11 2014 10:30 PM | Last Updated on Thu, Jul 11 2019 5:01 PM

Banks POs Exam Model Paper

 Directions (Q. 1-5): In each question below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.
 Give answer:
     1) if only conclusion I follows.
     2) if only conclusion II follows.
     3) if either conclusion I or II follows.
     4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
     5) if both conclusions I and II follow.

 1.    Statements: All dancers are great.
     All painters are great.
     No great is intelligent.
     I. Some great are not intelligent.
     II. Some painters are not intelligent.

 2.    Statements: No rod is a pen.
     Some pens are bags.
     Some bags are cheap.
     Conclusions: I. All rods being cheap is a possibility.
     II. Some bags are definitely not rods.

 3.    Statements: Some periodicals are magazines.
     All magazines are books.
     Some magazines are not weeklies.
     Conclusions: I. Some weeklies are not books
     II. Some weeklies are not periodicals

 4.    Statements: All cats are dogs.
     All dogs are goats.
     No cat is ugly.
     Conclusions: I. All ugly being goats is possible.
     II. All goats being dogs is a possibility.

 5.    Statements: All balls are round.
     No round is chain.
     Some chains are dolls.
     Conclusions: I. Some dolls are not round.
     II. Some round are not dolls.
 Directions (Q. 6-10): In these questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statement(s). The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer:
     1) if only conclusion I is true.
     2) if only conclusion II is true.
     3) if either conclusion I or II is true.
     4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
     5) if both conclusions I and II are true.
 6.    Statement: D greaterthan or equal B = C; Q > M lessthanor equal  L
     Conclusions: I. M < C II. D greaterthen or equal  M
 7.    Statements: A > Y greaterthan or equal  L; K < Y> R
     Conclusions: I. A < K II. K > R
 8.    Statements: T greaterthen or equal   B lessthanor equal D, R > B > S
     Conclusions: I. D > S II. T < R
 9.    Statement: S greaterthan or equal  P > N ; A lessthanor equal P lessthanor equal Q
     Conclusions: I. S < A II. Q < N
 10.    Statement: G > S, J greaterthan or equal  P, G = P,
                 J lessthanor equal D
     Conclusions: I. P < D II. G = D

 Directions (Q. 11 - 18): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
 P, Q, R, S, T, U, W and X are eight persons of a family. There are three married couples in the family. The persons are from three generations. All females of this family are married. Q and P are the offspring of S while W and X are the offspring of T and R respectively. U is the wife of S. R is one of the females and she is not the wife of P.

 Among them there are three teachers, two businessmen, two athletes and one painter. Each person has only one occupation. All of them are sitting around a circular table. They sit in such a manner that only one of the grandsons of S is sitting between R and P while only T is sitting between Q and U. One of the sons of S is on the immediate left of S. Only one person is sitting between R and Q, but it is not X. W, who is not sitting next to Q, is also not sitting opposite S. Q is not sitting opposite a female. The person who are on the immediate left of W and immediate right of Q are not teachers while X is a renowned painter. The persons who are sitting next to T are neither businessmen nor teachers.

 11.    Who is sitting exactly in front of X?
     1) S    2) T    3) R
     4) Data inadequate
     5) None of these

 12.    What is the profession of P?
     1) Painter     2) Teacher
     3) Businessman
     4) Cannot be determined
     5) None of these

 13.    Who is seated immediate left of R?
     1) S    2) T    3) R
     4) Data inadequate
     5) None of these

 14.    Who is sitting immediate right of P?
     1) S    2) T    3) R    4) X
     5) None of these

 15.    In which of the following third person is sitting between first and second person?
     1) QRS    2) QSR    3) RXP
     4) PWR    5) None of these

 16.    The only male who is sitting opposite a female is a/an
     1) Businessman     2) Teacher
     3) Athlete    4) Painter
     5) None of these

 17.    The two females who are sitting adjacent to each other are
     1) R and T    2) R and P
     3) T and U    4) R and U
     5) None of these

 18.    If all the people are made to sit in alphabetical order in clockwise direction starting from P, the position of whom amongst the following remains the same (excluding P)?
     1) R, S and X    2) R, T and X
     3) R, Q and X    4) R, W and X
     5) None of these
 Directions (Q. 19 - 23): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements marked I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer:
1) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
2) If the data in statements I alone are not sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
3) If the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
4) If the data even in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
5) If the data in both statements I and II together are needed to answer the question.
19.     Among PQRS and T sitting in a straight line facing north, who sits exactly in the middle of the line?
     I. P sits third to the left of S. T is an immediate neighbour of P as well as R.
     II. T sits second to the left of S. Q is not an immediate neighbour of either T or S.

 20.    Who amongst P, Q, R, S, T and U is the tallest?
     I. P is taller than S and T but shorter than R. Q is taller than S.
     II. T is taller than S. P is not the tallest.

 21.    Who among A, B, C, D, E & F came first in the running race?
     I. F, who is behind B, was second to reach the finishing point.
     II. C was ahead of D, E and A when the race is finished by all of them.
22.    Is C the grandmother of M?
     I. C is the mother of D. D is the brother of M's father.
     II. E is the mother of S. S is the sister of M. F, the aunt of S, is the only daughter of C.

 23.    What is Ramesh's rank in the class of 70 students?
     I. Kamesh, whose rank is 35th in the class, is ahead of Shyam by 6 ranks. The difference between Ramesh's rank and that of Shyam's is just 5.
     II. Kiran's rank is 22nd from the bottom, and he is three ranks behind Ramesh.
 Directions (Q. 24 - 27): Following are steps of an input. Rearrange them and answer the questions.
 A)    quality    travel    between
     develop    kettle

 B)    between    develop    kettle
     quality    travel
C)    kettle    quality    travel
     between    develop
D)    travel    between    develop
     kettle    quality
E)     kettle    quality    develop
     travel    between
24.    Which of the following is step III?
     1) A   2) B   3) C   4) D   5) E
25.    Which of the following is first from the right end of step II?
     1) between    2) kettle
     3) quality    4) develop
     5) None of these

 26.    Which of the following is step V?
     1) A   2) B   3) C   4) D   5) E
27.    Which of the following is step IV?
     1) A   2) B   3) C   4) D   5) E
Directions (Q. 28 - 33): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
 Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work in three different companies X,Y and Z.
 There are two ladies who work in different companies and their specialization is also different.
 Two of them have specialization in Finance. Another two have specialization in Human Resources, two have specialization in Marketing, one is Engineer and one of them is specialist in computer.
 D is specialist in Human Resource working in company X while her friend G is a Finance specialist and works in company Z.
 H is Human Resource specialist who works with Marketing specialist B but does not work in company Y.
 The two persons with same specialization do not work together.
 Marketing specialist F works in company Y and his friend A who is Finance specialist works in company X with only one other specialist.
 In no company more than three persons work.
 C is an Engineer and his sister works in company Z.
 No lady is an Engineer or computer specialist.

 28.    In which company does C work?  
     1) X    2) Y    3) Z    
     4) Can't say      5) None of these
29.    In which company does E work?  
     1) X    2) Y    3) Z
     4) Can't say      5) None of these
30.    In which two companies do Human Resource specialists work?
     1) X & Y    2) Y & Z    3) Z & X   
     4) Can't say        5) None of these
31.    The two ladies are
     1) D & G    2) D & E    3) D & F
     4) Can't  be determined
     5) None of these
32.    Mr. A works in
     1) X    2) Y    3) Z
     4) Can't say    5) None of these
 33.    Which of the following are working in company Z?
     1) BGH    2) EGH     3) GCE    4) ABG    5) None of these
 Directions (Q. 34-38): Study the following statements carefully and answer the questions given below:
 In a certain code language 'they are four friends' is coded as 'la ra sa ka', 'friends cooperate in need' is coded as 'da ma ra na',  'they have to cooperate' is coded as 'ta ka na va' and 'four have need to cooperate' is coded as 'va  na la ta ma'  
34.    What does 'na' stand for?
     1) cooperate    2) to    3) they
     4) friends    5) four
35.    What may be the code for 'need to cooperate'?
     1) ma ta na    2) ma va na
     3) ra va na    4) ra na ta
     5) either 1 or 2
36.    How will 'they are in need' be coded?
     1) ka sa ma da     2) ka sa ta da
     3) va sa ma da    4) ka sa na da
     5) None of these
37.    What will be the code for 'sa la ka'?
     1) need to cooperate
     2) friends are four 3) they are four
     4) they are friends
     5) None of these
38.    What is the code for 'four'?
     1) la     2) ka     3) ra     4) sa
     5) either sa or ra
 Directions (Q. 39 - 44): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give answer:
     1) if only assumption I is
     2) if only assumption II
         is implicit
     3) if either I or II is implicit
     4) if neither I nor II is implicit
     5) if both I and II are implicit

 39.    Statement: In the recently imposed sanctions, global public opinion was dishonoured by the economically strong and scientifically advanced superpower.
     I. Superpowers need not take any heed of global public opinion.
     II. Global public opinion should have been against the imposition of sanctions.
40.    Statement: Wars must be discouraged vehemently even though majority of the victims might have been a nuisance to peace loving people.
     I. Some people create problems to peace loving people.
     II. Wars kill majority of wicked people.
41.    Statement: Wars must be discouraged vehemently even though majority of the victims might have been a nuisance to peace loving people.
     I. Innocent people are also killed in wars.
     II. Vehement opposition to wars may have desirable impact.

 42.    Statement: The principal instructed all the teachers to be careful in class because some students may disturb other students.
     I. The teachers will handle the situation properly and they will point out the naughty students.
     II. The students will welcome the decision of the principal.

 43.    Statement: The government has set up a fact finding mission to look into the possible reasons for the recent fire accident in the area.
     I. The mission may be able to come up with reliable information on the issue.
     II. The people in the area may cooperate with the mission and come forward to give detailed information related to the incident.
44.    Statement: India's economic growth has come at a terrible price of increased industrial and vehicular pollution.
     I. Indian economic growth is based on only industrial growth.
     II. A country desires economic growth with manageable side effects.
 Directions (Q. 45 - 50): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow -up or further action in regard to the problem, policy etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.  
 Give answer:
     1) if only I follows
     2) if only II follows
     3) if either I or II follows
     4) if neither I nor II follows
     5) if both I and II follow
45.    Statement: A large number of people visiting India from country 'X' have been tested positive for carrying viruses of a killer disease.
     Courses of action:
     I. The government of India should immediately put a complete ban on people coming to India from country 'X' including those Indians who are settled in country 'X'.
     II. The government of India should immediately set up detection centres at all its airports and seaports to identify and quarantine those who are tested positive.
46.    Statement: There has been a continuous increase in the number of dropout students of govt.-run primary schools in the state.
     Courses of action:
     I. Govt. should immediately set up a committee to review the situation and suggest measures to reverse the trend.
     II. Govt. should close down such state run primary schools where dropout rates are more than fifty per cent.
47.    Statement: Every year during monsoon, the condition of most of the roads in the city deteriorates causing immense problem to the commuters.
     Course of action:
     I. The civic body should include a heavy penalty clause while awarding future contracts for road repairs.
     II. The civic officials in charge of maintenance of city roads should be asked to explain why the condition of the roads worsens every year.
48.    Statement: Many public sector undertakings have been making losses for the past few years and the situation is equally bad in the current year.
     Course of action:
     I. These loss making public sector companies should immediately be closed down.
     II. The govt. should scout for potential buyers in the private sector to sell these companies to get back part of the investments made by the govt.
49.    Statement: It is estimated that about twenty lakhs people will visit the city during the ensuing festival.
     Courses of action:
     I. The civic authority should make adequate arrangements to tackle the situation.
     II. All the hospitals in the city should be put on high alert in case of any eventuality.
50.    Statement: The meteorological department has predicted good monsoon this year for tenth consecutive year, which will result in good crop yield.
     Courses of action:
     I. The government should offload the stores before harvesting.
     II. The government should provide chemical fertilizers to farmers immediately.
 General Awareness,
 Marketing & Computers
 51.    India and which of the following countries have called for freedom of navigation in the South China Sea recently?
     1) China   2) Japan   3) Vietnam
     4) Laos    5) Philippines
52.    The Prime Minister launched 'Swavalamban Abhiyan', a new pro-poor initiative of the Government of?
     1) Maharashtra    2) Gujarat
     3) Rajasthan  4) Madhya Pradesh
     5) Chhattisgarh
53.    Who inaugurated the Nalanda University in Bihar in September 2014?
     1) Sushma Swaraj
     2) Narendra Modi    3) Smriti Irani
     4) Pranab Mukherjee
     5) Hamid Ansari
54.    The Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Benjamin Netanyahu on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2014. He is the?
     1) President of Israel
     2) Prime Minister of Israel
     3) President of Syria
     4) Prime Minister of Syria
     5) None of these
55.    Yudh Abhyas 2014 is a combined military training exercise of India and?
     1) Nepal    2) Singapore
     3) Malaysia    4) USA
     5) France
56.    Which of the following declared 2014 as the Year of the Commando?
     1) CRPF    2) NSG    3) BSF  
     4) ITBP     5) RAF
57.    The Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills (MANAS) is being set up with its headquarters in?
     1) New Delhi    2) Mumbai           
     3) Hyderabad    4) Pune
     5) Lucknow
58.    Nadir Patel has been appointed as which country's new High Commissioner to India?
     1) UK     2) New Zealand        
     3) Canada    4) South Africa
     5) None of these
59.    Who replaced Arvind Mayaram as the new Finance Secretary?  
     1) Shaktikanta Das
     2) G.S. Sandhu 3) Arvind Ranjan
     4) Rajiv Mehrishi
     5) None of these
     1) 5;    2) 5;    3) 4;    4) 5;     5) 1;    6) 4;    7) 4;    8) 5;
     9) 4;    10) 4;    11) 1;    12) 2;     13) 1;    14) 4;    15) 1;    16) 2;
     17) 3;    18) 1;    19) 5;    20) 4;     21) 1;    22) 1;    23) 2;    24) 1;
     25) 4;    26) 2;    27) 4;    28) 2;     29) 2;    30) 3;    31) 4;    32) 1;
     33) 1;    34) 1;    35) 5;    36) 1;     37) 3;    38) 1;    39) 4;    40) 1;
     41) 5;    42) 1;    43) 5;    44) 2;     45) 2;    46) 1;    47) 5;    48) 2;
     49) 1;    50) 1;    51) 3;    52) 2;     53) 1;    54) 2;    55) 4;    56) 2;
     57) 1;    58) 3;    59) 4.  


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