సివిల్ సర్వీసెస్ (ప్రిలిమినరీ) పరీక్షా మోడల్ పేపర్ | Civil Services (Preliminary) Exam Model Paper | Sakshi
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సివిల్ సర్వీసెస్ (ప్రిలిమినరీ) పరీక్షా మోడల్ పేపర్

Published Thu, Aug 14 2014 9:53 PM | Last Updated on Thu, Jul 11 2019 5:01 PM

Civil Services (Preliminary) Exam Model Paper

General Studies Paper-I

1.    Special drawing rights (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund are not…
    a) a credit line allocated by the IMF to member countries acc-ording to each country's quota.
    b) backed by US dollars
    c) the IMF's unit of account.
    d) a basket of four currencies.

2.    Regarding High Court, Constitu- tion says the following. Find the incorrect one
    a) There shall be a High Court for each State
    b) Every High Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and such other Judges as the President may from time to time deem it necessary to appoint.
    c) The President may, after consultation with the Chief Justice of High Court, transfer a Judge from one High Court to any other High Court
    d) Parliament may by law establ- ish a common High Court for two or more States or for two or more States and a Union territory

3.    Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code pertains to
    a) Criminalization of homosexuality
    b) Sedition and incitement to violence against State
    c) Insulting religions and religious beliefs
    d) Punishment for sexual assault against men or women

4.    Constitution states: Business in Parliament shall be transacted in Hindi or in English;
    However, the Chairman of the Council of States or Speaker of the House of the People or person acting as such, may permit any member who cannot adequately express himself in Hindi or in English to address the House in
    a) Her/ his mother-tongue
    b) Any of the 22 languages in the 8th Schedule of the Consti-tution
    c) Few select languages in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution as agreed by the Rules Committee
    d) As decided by the House then

5.    Consider the following:
    1. International Bank for Rec-onstruction and Development (IBRD)
    2. International Development Association (IDA)
    3. International Finance Corpo-ration (IFC)
    4. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
    5. International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
    Which among the above consti- tute the World Bank group?
    a) 1, 2    b) 1, 2, 3
    c) 1, 3, 4         
    d) All of the above

6.    About the recently set up Seventh Pay Commission, answer the correct one
    1. It is headed by Justice (Retd) Ashok Mathur
    2. Its mandate includes revision of salaries of all government employees
    3. Its mandate includes recommendations on pensions of all government employees
    a) 1, 2 and 3 only
    b) 1 only    c) 3 only
    d) 2 only

7.    Which among the following committees have been set for the purpose of poverty estimation in India?
    1. Y K Alagh committee
    2. Lakdawala Committee
    3. Tendulkar Committee
    4. Rangarajan Committee
    Chose the correct answer from the codes given below:
    a) Only 1, 2 & 3
    b) Only 2, 3 & 4
    c) Only 1, 3 & 4
    d) 1, 2, 3 & 4

8.    In India, Speaker of Lok Sabha is administered oath as
    a) Member of Parliament
    b) Speaker    c) Both a and b
    d) Neither a nor b

9.    About the recently delivered Supreme Court of India decision in the Shabnam Hashmi case, consider the following statements.
    1. It is related to adoption of children
    2. It recognizes the right to adoption as a part of the right to life in Article 21
    3. It contributes to the evolution of uniform civil code in India
    a) 1 and 2 are correct
    b) 1 and 3 are correct
    c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
    d) Only 3 is correct

10.    About Basel III capital regulati- ons, the following is correct
    a) They are to be fully implemented by 2019 in India
    b) Basel norms are for risk management of the investment banks and commercial banks
    c) Both a and b
    d) Neither a nor b

11.    The "Major Atmospheric Chere-nkov Experiment (MACE)" is the world's largest high-altitude telescope to be set up in Ladakh for detection of ____
    a) Ultraviolet Rays
    b) Cosmic Rays
    c) Gamma Rays
    d) Asteroids

12.    About the Human Capital Index, answer the correct one from below
    1. World Economic Forum announces it
    2. 122 countries are rated
    3.  It ranks countries on the basis of economic potential of their labour force
    4. India ranks 78
    a) 1 and 2 only
    b) 1, 2 and 4 only
    c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only     d) 1 only

13.    Equal Opportunities Commiss- ion that the Union Cabinet recently decided to set up has the following mandate
    a) It's a statutory body to check discrimination of minority communities in jobs and education
    b) It's a statutory body to check discrimination of minority communities and SC/ST groups in jobs and education
    c) It's a statutory body to check discrimination of minority communities, women and SC/ST groups in jobs and education
    d) It's a statutory body to check discrimination of minority communities, women, OBCs and SC/ST groups in jobs and education

14.    Nagarjun-Shrisailam Tiger reserve, the largest tiger reserve of India, spans across which two states?
    a) Maharashtra and Goa
    b) Karnataka and Kerala
    c) Telangana and Andhra Pradesh  
    d) Odisha and Jharkhand

15.    Every Legislative Assembly of every State, unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for five years from the date appointed for its first meeting. During National Emergency, the period can be extended by
    a) President for one year at a time
    b) Parliament by one year at a time
    c) Parliament by six months at a time
    d) President for a period of six months at a time

16.    Recently, the World-Anti Doping Agency (WADA) has banned inhalation of which gases after deciding it could be used to enhance athletics performance?
    a) Xenon    b) Neon
    c) Krypton    d) Helium

17.    Mark the correct one from below
    a) The minimum number of Jud-ges who are to sit for the pu-rpose of deciding any case involving a substantial questi- on of law as to the interpretation of this Constitution shall five
    b) The minimum number of Judges who are to sit for the purpose of hearing any reference under Article 143 shall be five
    c) Both a and b
    d) Neither a nor b

18.    Consider the following statements
    1. Integrated rural development programme (IRDP) was laun- ched to lift the target groups above the below poverty line
    2. IRDP was started as an initiative of the lead bank scheme to create additional employment opportunities in rural areas
    Which of the statement given above are correct?
    a) Only 1    b) Only 2
    c) Both 1and 2    
    d) Neither 1 nor 2

19.    Which of the following statements is correct?
    1. Dedicated freight corridors have been planned to ease the growing passenger and goods traffic on the busy routes
    2. The Eastern and the Western dedicated corridors will meet each other at Delhi
    a) Only 1    b) Only 2
    c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither1nor 2

20.    Consider the following statements
    1. The second report of the Kelkar committee dealing with direct and indirect taxed has maintained its original recommendation including the abolition of exemptions relating of housing loans
    2. The loans disbursed to farmers under kisan credit card scheme are covered under Rashtriya Krishi Beema Yojana of Life Insurance Corporation of India
    Which of the statement given above are correct?
    a) Only 1    b) Only 2
    c) Both 1 and 2
    d) Neither 1 nor 2

21.    Welfare of animals is given in the Indian Constitution as a
    a) Fundamental Duty
    b) Fundamental Right
    c) Directive Principle of State Policy
    d) None of the above

22.    Consider the following statements:
    1. Doctrine of Separation of powers gives the privilege of policy making to the Executive
    2. Only Supreme court can punish for contempt of court
    3. Lok Adalats are not courts because their suggestion is open to be accepted or otherwise
    Which of these statements is/ are correct?
    a) 1 and 2    b) 2 and 3
    c) Only 1    d) Only 3

23.    One of the following is not a part of the fiscal policy
    1. Disinvestment
    2. Insurance schemes
    3. Small savings schemes
    4. Interest rates
    a) 2 and 4 only b) 2, 3 and 4 only
    c) 1 and 4 only    d) 4 only

24.    Which of the following is a possible government objective as opposed to policy?
    1. Lower tax rates
    2. Lower interest rates
    3. Lower inflation
    a) 1 and 2 only
    b) 2 and 3 only
    c) 3 only    d) 1, 2 and 3

25.    Nominated members of Rajya Sabha do not have the following right
    1. Vote in the Presidential election
    2. Vote in the Vice Presidential election
    3. Vote in the no confidence motion
    a) 1 only    b) 1 and 2 only
    c) 1 and 3 only
    d) None of the above

26.    Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List - I
    A. Proved misbehaviour or incapacity
    B. Proportional system of representation
    C. Minister of tribal affairs
    D. Breakdown of constitutional machinery
List-II (Content)
    1. Election of the President of India
    2. Removal of Supreme Court Judge
    3. President's rule
    4. Mandatory for some states
    5. Composition of legislative As-semblies
    a) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-5
    b) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3
    c) A-1, B-2, C-5, D-3
    d) A-2, B-4, C-5, D-2

27.    Consider the following
    1. Finance and non-finance
    2. Telecommunication
    3. Computer software and hard ware
    4. Hospitals and diagnostic centers/ services
    5. Construction activities
    Which of the services sector given above are included in the 'top 5 services sector' of the Indian economy?
    a) 1, 2, 4 and 5
    b) 1, 3, 4 and 5
    c) 1, 2, 3 and 4
    d) All of the above

28.    Gross National Product equals:
    a) Net National Product adjusted for inflation
    b) Gross Domestic Product adjusted for inflation
    c) Gross Domestic Product plus net factor income from abroad
    d) Net National Product plus net property income from abroad

29.    Following is wrong about the Non banking finance companies (NBFC) in India
    a) They are not eligible for repo operations under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)
    b) When they go bankrupt they are not eligible for the lender of the last resort window of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
    c) Both a and b d) Neither a nor b

30.    Banking Laws (Amendment) Act, 2013
    1. Increases FDI limits in private banks
    2. Increases FDI limits in public sector banks
    3. Increases shareholders' voting rights from 10 per cent to 26 per cent in private sector banks
    4. Increases shareholders' voting rights in public sector banks such as the State Bank of India to 10 (ten) per cent from the current 1 (one) per cent.
    a) 1 and 2 are correct
    b) 2 and 3 are correct
    c) 3 and 4 are correct
    d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct

31.    What is meant by inflation premium?
    a) When a firm accounts inflation before it bring forth its profit
    b)    It is difference between real interest rate and nominal interest rate charged by banks
    c)    The premium accrued by the government, when it resorts to print currency during high inflation
    d) All of the above

32.    Answer the incorrect one from below about Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act of 2013
    a) States have to appoint the Lok Ayukta within a year of the notification of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act of 2013
    b) Lokpal member can be removed by the President after a Supreme Court inquiry
    c) Administrative expenses of the Lokpal including salaries are charged on the Consolidated Fund of India
    d)    None of the above

33.    Which one of the following is incorrect in respect of Local Government in India?
    i. According to the Indian Constitution, local Governm- ent is an independent tier in the federal system.
    ii. Not less than 50% of the seats in local bodies are reserved for women
    iii. Audit of local body finances is done by Comptroller and Aud-itor General (CAG) of India
    iv. Chairperson of Gram Pan-chayat is elected directly
    a) i, ii and iii only
    b) i, iii and iv only
    c) iii and iv only    
    d) i, ii, iii and iv

34. Consider the following statements:
    1.The Union Government fixes the Statutory Minimum Price of Sugarcane for each sugar season.
    2. Sugar and sugarcane are essential commodities under the Essential Commodities Act.
    Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
    a) 1 only    b) 2 only
    c) Both 1 and 2 d) Neither1 nor 2

35.    Consider the following statements:
    1. A synthetic porous ultra light material derived from a gel, which has extremely low density and low thermal conductivity, also called "frozen smoke" is called Aero gel.
    2. Recently, researchers have dev-eloped a new ultra-lightweight materials called meta-materials, that are as light as aero gel, but 10,000 times stiffer.
    3. These lightweight materials (meta materials) can withstand a load of at least 1,60,000 times their own weight.
    Which of the above statements are correct?
    a) 1only    b) 2 and 3 only
    c) None of the above
    d) All of the above

36.    The Planning Commission is the nodal agency in the Government of India for the following
    1. Estimation of poverty at the National level
    2. Estimation of poverty at the State levels
    3. Recommending the structure and financial allocations for anti-poverty programes
    4. Evaluation of anti poverty schemes
    a) 1 and 3 only     b) 1,2and 3 only
    c) 1, 3 and 4 only
    d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

37.    The following report need not be tabled in the Parliament
    i. Planning Commission report
    ii. Finance Commission report
    iii. Comptroller and Auditor General of India report
    iv.  Law Commission report
    a) i and ii only    b) i and iv only
    c) i only    d) iv only

1) b;    2) c;    3) c    ;    4) a;    5) d;
6) a;      7) d;    8) a;     9) b;    10) a;
11) c;    12) c;     13) a;    14) c;    15) b;
16) a;    17) c;    18) c;    19) d;    20) a;
21) a; 22) c;    23) d;    24) c; 25) a;
26) b;  27) c;    28) d;    29) d;    30) c;
31) b;  32) d;    33) c;    34) c;    35) d;
36) d;  37) b. 


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