సివిల్ సర్వీసెస్ మెయిన్ పరీక్షా 2014 ప్రశ్న పేపర్స్ | Civil Services Main Exam 2014 Question Papers | Sakshi
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సివిల్ సర్వీసెస్ మెయిన్ పరీక్షా 2014 ప్రశ్న పేపర్స్

Published Thu, Dec 25 2014 11:42 PM | Last Updated on Thu, Jul 11 2019 5:01 PM

Civil Services Main Exam 2014 Question Papers

ఏ పోటీ పరీక్షకు సంసిద్ధమయ్యే అభ్యర్థులకైనా గత ప్రశ్నపత్రాలను పరిశీలిస్తూ అధ్యయనం చేయడం ఎంతో ప్రయోజనకరం. సివిల్స్ మెయిన్ పరీక్షలు ఇటీవలే ముగిశాయి. మెయిన్‌లో మార్పులు ప్రవేశ పెట్టిన తర్వాత రెండోసారి నిర్వహించిన పరీక్షలివి. ఈ నేపథ్యంలో వివిధ పోటీ పరీక్షలకు సిద్ధమవుతున్న అభ్యర్థుల ప్రయోజనార్థం సివిల్ సర్వీసెస్ మెయిన్ 2014  ప్రశ్నపత్రాలను అందజేస్తున్నాం...

Time: 3 Hours.     Max. Marks: 250

Question paper Specific Instructions:
All questions are compulsory.
Answer all the questions in NOT MORE than 200 words each. content of the answer is more impor tant than its length. All questions carry equal marks.    12½´20=250

1.    Normally countries shift from agriculture to industry and then later to services, but India shifted directly from agriculture to services. What are the reasons for the huge growth of services vis-a-vis industry in the country? Can India become a developed country without a strong industrial base?

2.    "While we flaunt india's demo gra-phic dividend, we ignore the dropp-ing rates of employability". what are we missing while doing so? Wh-ere will the jobs that india desper-ately needs come from? Explain.

3.    There is also a point of view that Agricultural Produce Market Com-mittees (APMCs) set up under the State Acts have not only impeded the development of agriculture but also have been the cause of food inflation in India. Critically examine.

4.    "In the villages itself no form of credit organization will be suitable except the cooperative society" – All India Rural Credit Survey.

    Discuss this statement in the background of agricultural finance in India. What constraints and challenges do financial institutions supplying agricultural finance face? How can technology be used to better reach and serve rural clients?

5.    The Right to fair compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Rese ttlement Act, 2013 has come into effect from 1st january, 2014. What are the key issues which would get addressed with the Act in place? What impli-cations would it have on industriali-zation and agriculture in India?

6.    Capitalism has guided the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. However, it often encourages short- sightedness and countributes to wide disparities between the rich and the poor. In this light, would it be correct to believe and adopt capitalism for bringing inclusive growth in India? Discuss.

7.    Explain how Private Public Part-nership arrangements, in long gestation infrastructure projects, can transfer unsustainable liabilities to the future. What arrangements need to be put in place to ensure that successive generations capacities are not compromised?

8.    National Urban Transport Policy emphasises on 'moving people' instead of 'moving vehicles'. Discu-ss critically the success of the various strategies of the Government in this regard.

9.    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the defence sector is now set to be liberalized. What influence this is expected to have on Indian defence and economy in the short and long run?

10.    Scientific research in Indian uni-versities is declining, because a career in science is not as attractive as are business professions, engine-ering or administration, and the universities are becoming consumer - oriented. Critically comment.

11.    Can overuse and free availability of antibiotics without Doctor's prescription, be contributors to the emergence of drug resistant diseases in India? What are the available mechanisms for monitoring and control? Critically discuss the various issues involved.

12.    In a globalized world, Intelle ctual Property Rights assume significan-ce and are a source of litigation. Br-oadly distinguish between the terms -Copyrights, Patents and Trade Secrets.

13.    Should the pursuit of carbon credits and clean development mechanisms set up under UNF CCC be maintained even though there has been a massive slide in the value of a carbon credit? Discuss with respect to India's energy needs for economic growth.

14.    Drought has been recognized as a disaster in view of its spatial exp-anse, temporal duration, slow on-set and lasting effects on vulnera-ble sections. With a focus on the september 2010 guidelines from the National Disaster Managem-ent Authority (NDMA), Discuss the mechanisms for preparedne-ss to deal with likely El Nino and La Nina fallouts in india.

15.    Environmental Impact Assess-ment studies are increasingly undertaken before a project is cleared by the Government. Discuss the environm-ental impacts of coal-fired thermal plants located at coal pitheads.
16.    "The diverse nature of India as a multi- religious and multi- ethnic society is not immune to the impact of radicalism which is seen in her neighbourhood". Discuss along with strategies to be adopted to counter this environment.

17.    International civil aviation laws provide all countries complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above their territory. What do you understand by 'airspace'? What are the implications of these laws on the space above this airspace? Discuss the challe-nges which this poses and sugge-st ways to contain the threat.

18.    How does illegal transborder migra-tion pose a threat to India's security? Discuss the strategies to curb this, bringing out the factors which give impetus to such migration?

19.    In 2012 the longitudinal marking for high- risk areas for piracy was moved from 65 degrees east to 78 degrees east in the Arabian Sea by the International Maritime Organiz-ation.What impact does this have on India's maritime security concerns?

20.    China and Pakistan have entered into an agreement for developm-ent of an economic corridor. Wh-at threat does this pose for india's security? Critically examine.

General Studies (Paper-IV)
Time: 3 Hours.  Max. Marks: 250

Question paper Specific Instructions:

* There are FOURTEEN questions divided in two Sections.
* All the questions are compulsory.
Answer questions in NOT MORE than the word limit specified for each in the parenthesis. Content of the answer is more important than its length.

Section - A

1.    a)    All human beings aspire for happiness. Do you agree? What does happiness mean to you? Explain with examples.
        (150 Words)    10
    b)    What does ethics seek to promote in human life? Why is it all the more important in public administration?
        (150 Words)    10

2.    a)    In the context of defence services, 'patriotism' demands readiness to even lay down one's life in protecting the nation. According to you, What does patriotism imply in everyday civil life? Explain with illustrations and justify your answer.
        (150 Words)    10
    b)    What do you understand by 'probity' in public life? What are the difficulties in practici-ng it in the present times? How can these difficulties be overcome?
        (150 Words)    10

3.    a)    "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, but knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful". What do you understa-nd by this statement? Explain your stand with illustrations from the modern context
        (150 Words)    10
    b)    "Human beings should always be treated as 'ends' in themselves and never as merely 'means'". Explain the meaning and signific-ance of this statement, giving its implications in the modern techno- economic society.
        (150 Words)    10

4.    a)    Which eminent personality has inspired you the most in the context of ethical conduct in life? Give the gist of his/her teachings. Giving specific examples describe how you have been able to apply these teachings for your own ethical development.
        (150 Words)    10

    b)    There is heavy ethical responsi-bility on the public  servants because they occupy positions of power, handle huge amounts of public funds, and their decisions have wide-ranging impact on society and environment. What steps have you taken to improve your ethical competence to handle such responsibility?
(150 Words)    10

5.    a) The current society is plagued with widespread trust- deficit. What are the consequences of this situation for personal well -being and for societal well-being? What can you do at the personal level to make yourself trust worthy?
        (150 Words)    10

    b)    It is often said that poverty leads to corruption. However, there is no dearth of instances where affl-uent and powerful people indulge in corruption in a big way. What are the basic causes of corruption among people? Support your answer with examples?
        (150 Words)    10

6.    What factors affect the formati-on of a person's attitude towards social problems? in our society, contras-ting attitudes are preva lent about many social problems. What contra-sting attitudes do you notice about the caste system in our society? How do you explain the existence of these contrasting attitudes?
    (150 Words)    10

7.    What does accountability mean in the context of public service? What measures can be adopted to ensure individual and collective accountab-ility of public servants?
    (150 Words)    10

8.    We are witnessing increasing instances of sexual violence against women in the country. Despite existing legal provisions against it, the number of such incidences is on the rise. Suggest some innovative measures to tackle this menace.
    (150 Words)        10


9.    Now-a-days there is no incre-asing thrust on economic development all around the globe. At the same time, there is also an increasing concern about environmental degradation caused by development. Many a time, we face a direct conflict between developmental activity and environ-mental quality. It is neither feasible to stop or curtail the developmental process, nor it is advisable to keep degrading the environment, as it threatens our very survival.
    Discuss some feasible strategies which could be adopted to eliminate this conflict and which could lead to sustainable development.
    (250 Words)    20

10.    Suppose one of your close friends, who is also aspiring for civil services, comes to you for discussing some of the issues related to ethical conduct in public service. He raises the following points:
    i)     In the present times, when unethical environment is quite prevalent, individual attempts to stick to ethical principles may cause a lot of problems in one's career. It may also cause hardship to the family members as well as risk to one's life. Why shoud we not be pragmatic and follow the path of least resistance, and be happy with doing whatever good we can?
    ii)    When so many people are ad-opting wrong means and are grossly harming the system, what difference would it make if only a small minority tries to be ethical? They are going to be rather ineffective and are bound to get frustrated.
    iii)    If we become fussy about ethical considerations, will it not ham-per the economic progress of our country? After all, in the present age of high competition, we cannot afford to be left behind in the race of development.
    iv)    It is understandable that we sho-uld not get involved in grossly unethical practices, but giving and accepting small gratificati-ons and doing small favours incr-eases everybody's motivation. It also makes the system more efficient. What is wrong in adopting such practices?
    Critically analyze the above vie-wpoints. On the basis of this anal-ysis, what will be your advice to your friend? (250 Words)    20

11.    You are a no-nonsense, honest officer. You have been transferred to a remote district to head a department that is notorious for its inefficiency and callousness. You find that main cause of the poor state of affairs is the indiscipline of a section of employees. They do not work themselves and also disrupt the working of others. You first-warned the troublemakers to mend their ways or else face disciplinary action. When the warning had little effect, you issued a show cause notice to the ringleaders. As a retaliatory measure, these troub-lemakers instigated a woman employee amongst them a file a complaint of sexual harassment against you with the Women's Commission. The Commission promptly seeks your explanation. The matter is also publicized in the media the embarrass you further. Some of the options to handle this situation could be as follows.
    i)    Give your explanation to the commission and go soft on the disciplinary action.
    ii)    Ignore the commission and proceed firmly with the disciplinary action.
    iii)    Brief your higher-ups, seek directions from them and act accordingly. suggest any other possible option(s). Evaluate all of them and suggest the best course of action, giving your reasons for it. (250 Words)    20

12.    Suppose you are the CEO of a company that manufactures spe-cialized electronic equipment used by a government depart ment. You have submitted your bid for the supply of this equipment to the department. Both the quality and cost of your offer are better than those of the competitors. Yet the concerned officer is demanding a hefty bribe for approving the tender. Getting the order is important both for you and for your company. Not getting the order, would mean closing a production line. It may also affect your own career. Howe-ver, as a value- conscious person, you do not want to give bribe.    Valid arguments can be advanced both for giving the bribe and getting the order and for refusing to pay the bribe and risking the loss of the order. What those arguments could be? Could there be any better way to get out of this dilemma? If so, outline the main elements of this third way, pointing out its merits
    (250 Words)    20

13.    Rameshwar successfully cleared the prestigious civil services examinati-on and was excited about the oppor-tunity that he would get through the civil services to serve the country. However, soon after joining the services, he realized that things are not as rosy as he had imagined.
    He found a number of mal practices prevailing in the department assigned to him. For example funds under various schemes and grants were being misappropriated. The official facilities were frequently being used for personal needs by the officers and staff. After some time, he noticed that the process of recruiting the staff was also not up to the mark. Prospective candidates were required to write an examination in which a lot of cheating was going on. Some candidates were provied external help in the examination. Rameshwar brought these incid-ents to the notice of his seniors. However, he was advised to keep his eyes, ears and mouth shut and ignore all these things which were taking place with the connivance of the higher -ups. Rameshwar felt highly disillusioned and uncomfortable. He comes to you seeking your advice.
    Indicate various options that you think are available in this situation. How would you help him to evalua-te these options and choose the most appropriate path to be adopted?
    (250 Words)    20

14.    In our country, the migration of rural people to towns and cities is increasing drastically, This is causing serious problems both in the rural as well as in the urban areas. In fact things are becoming really unmanageable. Can you analyze this problem in detail and indicate not only the socio-economic but also the emotional and attitudinal factors responsible for this problem? Also, distinctly bringout why-
    a)    educated rural youth are trying to shift to urban areas;
    b)    landless poor people are migrating to urban slums;
    c)    even some farmers are selling off their land and trying to settle in urban areas taking up petty jobs.
    What feasible steps can you suggest which will be effective in controlling this serious problem of our country?
    (250 Words)    20


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