జనరల్ అవేర్నెస్
1. Who defeated Sheila Dikshit, the three-time Chief Minister of Delhi in the New Delhi assembly constituency which she had held for 15 years, in December 2013?
1) Harsh Vardhan
2) Manish Sisodia
3) Jagdeep Singh
4) Pradyuman Rajput
5) Arvind Kejriwal
2. Nelson Mandela, South Afri-ca’s first black President, died at the age of 95 years on December 5, 2013. In 1993, Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with?
1) Fidel Castro 2) F.W. de Klerk
3) Oliver Tambo
4) Yasser Arafat
5) Desmond Tutu
3. Who will succeed Deepak Sandhu as the next Chief Infor- mation Commissioner (CIC) of India?
1) Sudha Sharma
2) Satyanand Misra
3) Sushma Singh
4) Sujatha Singh
5) Sanjay Baru
4. Who was crowned Miss Earth 2013 in Muntinlupa City, Phili- ppines on December 7, 2013?
1) Katia Wagner (Austria)
2) Catharina Choi (South Korea)
3) Kristal Silva (Mexico)
4) Alyz Henrich (Venezuela)
5) Punika Kulsoontornrut (Thailand)
5. Who represented India in the Miss Earth beauty pageant in Philippines in December 2013?
1) Navneet Kaur Dhillon
2) Manasi Moghe
3) Shobita Dhulipala
4) Neena Davuluri
5) Vasuki Sunkavalli
6. Who was reappointed as the Director General of Organi-zation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in December 2013?
1) Yukia Amano
2) Roberto Azvedo
3) Ahmet Uzumcu
4) Anthony Lake
5) Irina Bokova
7. Which country has won the right to host the 2017 Under-17 FIFA World Cup Football?
1) Ireland 2) South Africa
3) Uzbekistan 4) India
5) Japan
8. The official ball to be used in the 2014 Football World Cup was unveiled in Rio de Janeiro in December 2013. It is called?
1) Jabulani 2) Selecao
3) Brazuca 4) Bossa Nova
5) Cuiaba
9. Nabil Fahmy visited India in December 2013. He is the Foreign Minister of?
1) Pakistan 2) Egypt
3) Libya 4) Lebanon
5) Iran
10. Who is the only woman to have been first lady of two different countries, serving as the First Lady of Mozambique from 1975 to 1986 and the First Lady of South Africa from 1998 to 1999?
1) Winnie Mandela
2) Zanele Mbeki
3) Graca Machel
4) Marcelina Chissano
5) Maria da Luz Guebuza
11. Mount McKinley is the highest mountain peak in?
1) North America
2) South America 3) Africa 4) Australia 5) Europe
12. Who became the first Indian woman to scale the seven continental peaks after climbing McKinley peak in May 2013?
1) Arunima Sinha
2) Premlata Agrawal
3) Bachendri Pal
4) Santoshi Yadav
5) None of these
13. President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated Oil and Natural Gas Corporation’s mega power project in June 2013 in Pala-tana in?
1) Assam 2) Tripura
3) West Bengal
4) Arunachal Pradesh
5) Meghalaya
14. Which of the following organizations has designated Nicobar Islands as a world biosphere reserve under its ‘Man and Biosphere Program’ (MAB)?
15. Indian philanthropist Binde- shwar Pathak received the Legend of Planet award in Paris in June 2013. He is the founder of?
1) Child Relief and You
3) Chipko Movement
5) Sulabh International
16. Chamoli, Rudraprayag and Pithoragarh districts were ravaged in the recent floods. They are in?
1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Odisha
3) Bihar 4) Uttarakhand
5) West Bengal
17. Which of the following is the currency of Brazil?
1) Peso 2) Dollar
3) Franc 4) Pound
5) Real
18. SEBI has appointed a committee on Rationalization of Inves- tment Routes and Monitoring of Foreign Portfolio Invest-ments under the Chairmanship of ?
1) K.M. Chandrasekhar
2) U.K. Sinha 3) Y.V. Reddy
4) R. Damodaran
5) None of these
19. India's first Technical University for women was inaugurated in June 2013 in?
1) Delhi 2) Mumbai
3) Hyderabad 4) Jaipur
5) Chennai
20. According to the Times Higher Education magazine Pohang University of Science &Tech nology, also known as POS TECH, has topped the rankings of the world’s top 100 universities under 50 years old. POSTECH is in?
1) Singapore 2) South Korea
3) Vietnam 4) Thailand
5) China
21. Which of the following is the longest river in Europe?
1) Danube 2) Ural
3) Rhine 4) Volga
5) Rhone
22. What is the priority sector lending target for domestic banks and foreign banks with branch network of 20 and above in India?
1) 32 per cent 2) 40 per cent
3) 50 per cent 4) 46 per cent
5) 35 per cent
23. ‘Manodhairya Yojana’ is aimed at providing financial, medical and legal aid, rehabilitation and counseling to victims of rape and child abuse. This scheme was launched recently by?
1) Maharashtra
2) Arunachal Pradesh
3) Uttar Pradesh 4) Delhi
5) Andhra Pradesh
24. Gregg Clark has been appointed as the chief coach of the Junior Men's National Hockey Team. He belongs to?
1) Germany 2) Belgium
3) Australia
4) South Africa
5) Netherlands
25. In which event in the 20th Asian Athletics Championships Vikas Gowda won a gold medal in Pune in July 2013?
1) High Jump 2) Long Jump
3) Shot Put
4) 10,000 meter race
5) Discus Throw
26. Marwar Festival is celebrated every year in?
1) Madhya Pradesh
2) Gujarat 3) Rajasthan
4) Maharashtra
5) Uttar Pradesh
27. Countries and their capitals are given below. Identify the mismatched pair?
1) Australia – Canberra
2) Austria – Vienna
3) Finland – Helsinki
4) Denmark – Copenhagen
5) Switzerland – Geneva
28. Ramesh Abhishek is the Chairman of?
1) Securities and Exchange Board of India
2) Forward Markets Commission
3) Insurance Regulatory Deve- lopment Authority
4) Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority
5) Competition Commission of India
29. According to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act 2006, a medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in equipment is more than Rupees 2crore but does not exceed?
1) Rs 3crore 2) Rs 4crore
3) Rs 5crore
4) Rs 10crore
5) None of these
30. Rajiv Gandhi Ann Yojana under the Food Security Sche me was launched in September 2013 by the Chief Minister of?
1) Maharashtra
2) Himachal Pradesh
3) Rajasthan
4) Assam
5) Karnataka
31. Which of the following is not regulated by the Reserve Bank of India?
1) Reporate 2) CRR
3) SLR 4) Cess
5) Marginal Standing Facility
32. Which of the following sets standards and promotes effective implementation of legal, regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering and terrorist finan cing?
3) KYC 4) FATF
5) None of these
33. The National Payments Corpo-ration of India (NPCI) has launched an instant interbank electronic fund transfer service through mobile phones. It is called?
5) None of these
1) 5 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
5) 3 6) 3 7) 4 8) 3
9) 2 10) 3 11) 1 12) 2
13) 2 14) 3 15) 5 16) 4
17) 5 18) 1 19) 1 20) 2
21) 4 22) 2 23) 1 24) 4
25) 5 26) 3 27) 5 28) 2
29) 3 30) 2 31) 4 32) 4
33) 1