'గ్రేస్ ఆఫ్ మనీ' కోడెడ్ యాజ్ | 'Grace of money' may be coded as? | Sakshi
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'గ్రేస్ ఆఫ్ మనీ' కోడెడ్ యాజ్

Published Sun, Oct 19 2014 10:29 PM | Last Updated on Thu, Jul 11 2019 5:01 PM

'గ్రేస్ ఆఫ్ మనీ' కోడెడ్ యాజ్ - Sakshi

'గ్రేస్ ఆఫ్ మనీ' కోడెడ్ యాజ్


1.    In a certain code SPORADIC is written as QNORDJEB. How is TROUBLES written in that code?
    3) TNQSTFMC    
    5) None of these
2.    If 'White' is called 'Red', 'Red' is called 'Blue', 'Blue' is called 'Yellow', 'Yellow' is called 'Black', 'Black' is called 'Gre- en' and 'Green' is called 'Grey', then what is the colour of clear Sky?
    1) Red    2) Blue    
    3) Yellow    4) Grey    
    5) None
3.    In a certain code language, 'TONIC' is coded as 'CINOT' and 'SCALE' is coded as 'ACELS'. In the same code language, 'PLANK' will coded as
    1) KNALP    2) AKNLP
    3) AKLNP    4) AKPNL
    5) Cannot be determined
4.    In a certain language 'GUST' is coded as '@7$2', 'SNIP' is coded as '957#' and 'GAPE' is coded as 'b$35'. How will 'SING' be coded in the same code?
    1) 9$7#    2) 59$#    
    3) 9b7$    4) 7$59    
    5) $27#
Directions (Q.5-8): In a certain code, 'ze lo ka gi' is a code for 'must save some money', 'fe ka so ni' is a code for 'he made good money', 'ni lo da so' is a code for 'he must be good' and 'we so ze da', is a code for 'be good save grace'.
5.    Which of the following is the code for 'must'?
    1) so        2) da    
    3) lo        4) ni
    5) Can't be determined
6.    What does the code 'ze' stand for?
    1) Some    2) Must    
    3) be    4) Grace    
    5) Save
7.    Which of the following is the code for 'good'?
    1) so    2) we    3) ze
    4) lo    5) fe
8.    'Grace of money' may be coded as?
    1) ka da fe    2) we ka so
    3) ja da we    4) ka we yo
    5) ja ka ze
Directions (Q.9-13): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
The consonants of English alphabet have been coded by using digits 1 to 8 and the vowels have been coded by using different symbols.
    Letters:G B K H Z M F
            R V C S D Q X
            J N T L W Y P
    Digit:    5 4  1 3  2  8  7
If any vowel is neither in the beginning nor in last, it is coded as '6'. If any vowel is at the beginning or in the last, it is coded as '9'. However, if the same vowel is placed at both beginning and in the last, it is coded as '$' at both the places. How the following letter-groups will be coded?
    1) 712653$    2) 7129539
    3) 7126539    4) 712$53$
    5) None of these
10.    AFDQENI
    1) 9728649    
    2) $72864$
    3) 9728949    
    4) 6728949
    5) None of these
    1) $7166463    2) $7199493
    3) 67199493    4) 97166463
    5) None of these
    1) 95165389    2) 65195386
    3) $519538$    4) $51$538$
    5) None of these
13.    ENIANGE
    1) $4$$45$    2) 9466459
    3) $46645$    4) 6499456
    5) None of these
Directions (Q.14-18): The English alphabet is categorized into 5 groups, each starting with a vowel and encompassing the immediately following consonants in the group. Thus, the first group would have letters A, B, C and D; the second E, F, G and H; and so on. These groups are assigned values as 10 for the first, 20 for the second, and so on, up to 50 for the last. Every letter in a particular group will have the same value of the group when used to form words. The value of each letter should add up to compute the value of the word. If the word has letters only from the same group, the value of the word would be the value of the letter multiplied by the number of letters in the word. However, if the letters in a word are from different groups, the value of the letters in a word are from different groups, the value of the first letter of the word and any other letter of that group will be the same as that of its group, but that of the subsequent letter will be 'double' as much as the value of its group.
For example: The value of 'CAB' WILL BE 30 (I. E., M 10 + 10 + 10) as all the three letters are from the first group, each one having a value of 10.
    The value of 'BUS' will be 10 + (50*2) + (40*2) = 190
    The value of 'JUNK' will be 30 + (50*2) + 30 + 30 = 190.
    Now, find out the value of each word in the following questions.
14.    BEG
    1) 50    2) 90    
    3) 60    4) 70    
    5) None of these
15.    QUEUE
    1) 140    2) 280    
    3) 320    4) 360    
    5) None of these
16.    SPOTS
    1) 200    2) 360    
    3) 380    4) 250    
    5) None of these
17.    HIGH
    1) 40    2) 60    
    3) 70    4) 80    
    5) None of these
18.    SHOT
    1) 70    2) 120    
    3) 130    4) 140    
    5) None of these


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