ఏ చిహ్నాలు అమర్చాలి ..?
Directions (Q 1-5): In the following questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statement(s). The statement(s) is/are followed by two conclusions.
Give answer
1) If only conclusion I is true.
2) If only conclusion II is true.
3) If either conclusion I or II is true.
4) If neither conclusion I nor II is true.
5) If both conclusions I and II are true.
1. Statements: K < N = O, P > W < K
Conclusions: I. P > N II. O > W
Sol: We can't compare P and N. Hence, conclusion I is not true.
W < K < N = O. Hence, W < O. So, conclusion II is true.
Ans: 2
2. Statements: C = P, G < C, N > G
Conclusions: I. N > C II. P = N
Sol: N > G < C = P. So, we can't compare N and C. Conclusion I is not true. Conclusion II is also not true.
Ans: 4
3. Statements: I > N ³ T, E < R = T
Conclusions: I. I > R II. E £ N
Sol: I > N ³ T = R > E. conclusion I is true. Conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 1
4. Statements: V < Q = A. W = Z > P
Conclusions: I. Q ³ Z II. V < P
Sol: There is no relationship between Q and Z as well as between V and P. Hence, both the conclusion don't follow.
Ans: 4
5. Statements: Z ³ X < Y > M > N
Conclusions: I. N < Y II. Z ³ M
Sol: Conclusion I is true where as conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 1
Directions (Q 6-10): In the following questions, the symbols $, @, %, © And # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below:
'P # Q' means 'P' is neither greater than nor equal to 'Q'.
'P © Q' means 'P' is neither equal to nor smaller then 'Q'.
'P % Q' means 'P' is neither smaller than nor greater then 'Q'.
'P $ Q' means 'P' is not smaller then 'Q'.
'P @ Q' means 'P' is not greater than 'Q'.
In each of the following questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true.
Give answer
1) If only conclusion I is true.
2) If only conclusion II is true.
3) If either conclusion I or II is true.
4) If neither conclusion I nor II is true.
5) If both conclusions I and II are true.
6. Statements: B # E, C © Q, Q @ E
Conclusions: I. C © B II. B © Q
Sol: C > Q £ E > B
We can't compare C and B. Hence, conclusion I is not true. Similarly, we can't compare B and Q. Hence, conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 4
7. Statements: D @ F, S # G, G $ D
Conclusions: I. S # D II. F $ G
Sol: S < G ³ D £ F. We can't compare S and D. Hence, conclusion I is not true. Same is the case with F and G. Hence, conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 4
8. Statements: N © R, P @ W, R % P
Conclusions: I. W $ N II. N © W
Sol: N > R = P £ W. Both conclusions I and II form a complementary pair. Hence, Either I or II follows.
Ans: 3
9. Statements: C @ D, D © M,
A @ M
Conclusions: I. M # C II. D © A
Sol: A £ M < D ³ C
As we can't compare M and C, conclusion I is not true. A < D. Hence, conclusion II is true.
Ans: 2
10. Statements: G $ T, T % V, Q © V
Conclusions: I. Q © T II. V @ G
Sol: Q > V = T £ G
Q > T. Hence, conclusion I is true. V £ G. Hence, conclusion II is also true.
Ans: 5
Directions (Q. 11-15): In the following questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statement(s). The statement(s) is/are followed by two conclusions. Give answer
1) If only conclusion I is true.
2) If only conclusion II is true.
3) If either conclusion I or II is true.
4) If neither conclusion I nor II is true.
5) If both conclusions I and II are true.
11. Statements: C £ B < X = Y > Z, P < B < R
Conclusions: I. C < R II. R < Y
Sol: C £ B < R.
Hence, C < R. Conclusion I is tr- ue. R and Y cannot be compared. Hence, conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 1
12. Statements: V > W = X ³ Z,
W < P, X > Q
Conclusions: I. Q < V II. P > Z
Sol: V > W = X > Q.
V > Q. Hence, conclusion I is true.
P > W = X ³ Z. Hence, P > Z.
So, Conclusion II is also true.
Ans: 5
13. Statements: R = X > M ³ P,
X £ K < S
Conclusions: I. R < S II. K > P
Sol: R = X £ K < S. Hence, conclusion I is true.
K ³ X > M ³ P. Hence, conclusion II is also true.
Ans: 5
14. Statements: S ³ P > L,
P = N < K, S < Z
Conclusions: I. Z = K II. N £ S
Sol: Z > S ³ P = N < K. Hence, conclusion I is not true.
S ³ P = N. Hence, S ³ N. So, conclusion II is true.
Ans: 2
15. Statements: S > K, M £ T £ R, K < M
Conclusions: I. R > S II. K > T
Sol: R ³ T ³ M > K < S. Hence, R and S cannot be compared. Conclusion I is not true.
T ³ M > K. Hence, T > K. So, conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 4
Direction (Q. 16 - 20): Read each statement carefully and answer the following questions:
16. Which of the following expressions will be true if the expression A ³ B > C = D ³ E > F is definitely true?
1) A ³ D 2) B ³ D 3) F > A
4) C > F 5) A ³ E
Sol: C = D ³ E > F
Hence, C > F.
Ans: 4
17. Which of the symbols should be placed in the blank space from left to right respectively to complete the expression in such a manner that A > B, C > A and
D> F are definitely true?
D £ A_X, D_B, C = X, F_B
1) <, >, < 2) >, >, < 3) =, <, >
4) =, <, < 5) >, =, <
Sol: D £ A < X, D > B, C = X,
F < B. For better understanding the above expression can be arranged in the following way.
F < B < D £ A < X = C
Ans: 1
18. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression to make the expression J > N and
K ³ N definitely true?
J ? K ³ L ? M ? N < O
1) <, >, = 2) >, ³, = 3) >, £, ³
4) >, =, £ 5) None of these
Sol: J > K ³ L ³ M = N
Ans: 2
19. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively from left to right to complete the given expression in such a manner that the expression T > W is definitely false and the expressions Z ³ T and Y ³ V are definitely true?
Z_ Y _ X ³ W = V_T
1) ³, ³, ³ 2) £, £, ³ 3) >, ³, >
4) ³, =, < 5) None of these
Sol: Z ³ Y ³ X ³ W = V ³ T
Ans: 1
20. In which of the following expressions is 'P>Q' not definitely true?
1) Q > C £ R < P
2) Q £ R < S £ P
3) P > S = T ³ Q
4) P > S = T ³ Q
5) None of these
Sol: Q and P cannot be compared. In all the remaining options P > Q.
Ans: 1
Directions (Q. 21 - 25): In these questions, the relationship between different elements is shown in the statements.
Give answer
1) If only conclusion I follows.
2) If only conclusion II follows.
3) If either conclusion I or II follows.
4) If neither conclusion nor II follows.
5) If both conclusion I and II follow.
21. Statements: Z = A ³ C < M, R > Z
Conclusions: I. R > C II. A < M
Sol: R > Z = A ³ C
Hence, R > C. So, conclusion I is true. A and M cannot be compared. So, conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 1
22. Statements: N > A ³ C, P = N,
P £ L
Conclusions: I. N > C II. L > A
Sol: N > A ³ C
Hence, N > C. Conclusion I is true.
L ³ P = N > A
Hence, L > A. Conclusion II is also true.
Ans: 5
23. Statements: S £ K < M > W ³ Z
Conclusions: I. W < K II. Z = S
Sol: W and K cannot be compared. Similarly Z and S cannot be compared.
Ans: 4
24. Statements: S £ L < R, S ³ N,
P = N
Conclusions: I. P = S II. R < N
Sol: S ³ N = P
Hence, conclusion I is not true.
R > L ³ S ³ N
Hence, conclusion II is not true.
Ans: 4
25. Statements: L > M ³ P £ S,
Q < P, M < K
Conclusions: I. K = L II. M ³ Q
Sol: L > M < K
Hence, L and K cannot be compared.
M ³ P > Q
M > Q. Hence, Conclusion II is not true
Ans: 4