సమూహంలో ఇద్దరు లేడీస్ ఎవరు?
Puzzle Test
Puzzle test carries a good weightage of marks either in Reasoning of Bank Po or Clerks exams. There are various models of Puzzle test viz.
1. Simple distribution model: If the puzzle just discusses about the identification and arrangement of various factors such as gender, professions, institutions, colours etc with respect to the subject (persons) given.
2. Grading model: This kind of puzzle demands the ranking or comparison of the people based on their height, weight, age, salaries, marks etc.
3. Seating Arrangement: As the title suggests, the proper seating arrangement of the people should be found out.
4. Series arrangement: In this case, the puzzle revolves around the sequential placing of the given subject. The question may be on the sequence of days, dates, months and even the puzzle listing of the floors in an apartment may be included in this.
5. Combination model (Puzzle with family relations): A simple distribution model or a seating arrangement model pertaining to a family is given.
6. Selection model: The puzzle focuses on selecting a group or a team among the given members by complying with the conditions mentioned there in.
Puzzle 1
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
Eight members A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H belonging to three families X, Y, Z go for weekend outing in three different cars I, II, III. Four out of the eight members are females. Each car has at least one male and one female member. Each family has at least two members. No member of same family travel in same car.
A belongs to family Y and he travels in car III. D is wife of E and they travel in cars I and II respectively. H is son of B, who is wife of G and they belong to family Z. C is daughter of F, who is wife of A. C travels in car II. G does not travel with F.
1. Which of the following groups of persons travels in car I?
1) D, F, G 2) D, E, G
3) D, G, H 4) D, F, H
5) None of these
2. Which car has only two members travelling in it?
1) I 2) II
3) III 4) II or III
5) Cannot be determined
3. Which of the following members of families Y and Z travel in different cars?
1) F, G 2) C, G
3) F, H 4) C, F
5) None of these
4. Which of the following groups of persons is a group of all females?
1) B, D, G 2) A, B, C
3) B, E, F 4) D, E, F
5) None of these
5. Which of the following members of families X and Y travel in the same car?
1) C, F 2) D, F
3) C, D 4) F, E
5) None of these
Solution: This is a simple distribution model. The puzzle can be solved by carefully considering all the factors while taking the persons in order.
l Each car has at least one male and one female member
l No member of same family travel in same car.
l G does not travel with F
1) 4 2) 3 3) 1 4) 5 5) 2
Puzzle 2
Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
A group of friends having seven members A, B, C, D, E, F and G contains four men and three ladies. Each one of them has a different profession – Stockbroker, Lawyer, Doctor, Professor, Engineer, Businessman and Banker – and each one has passed out of a different college – P, S, V, W, X, Y and Z, not necessarily in the same order. None of the ladies is a Businessman or a Stockbroker. C is a Doctor and she has passed out from 'College X'. A is a 'College Y' pass out. B is not a Professor. E is a Banker and is a 'College S' pass out. F is a Stockbroker and has not studied in 'College P'.
G is a Businessman and has studied in 'College V'. The Professor is a 'College Z' pass out. The Lawyer has studied in 'College P'. None of the ladies has studied in 'College Y' or 'College S'.
6. What is the profession of D?
1) Doctor 2) Stockbroker
3) Engineer 4) Professor
5) None of these
7. Who among the following is a Lawyer?
1) A 2) B 3) E 4) G
5) None of these
8. Which of the following groups represents ladies in the group of friends?
1) A, B, C 2) E, F, G
3) B, C, D 4) B, E, G
5) None of these
9. From which of the following colleges has the Stockbroker passed out?
1) W 2) Y 3) S 4) X
5) None of these
10. Which of the following combinations is correct?
1) B - Doctor - Female
2) C - W - Male
3) A - Businessman - Y
4) D - Professor - Male
5) None of these
Solution: This is a simple distribution model. The puzzle can be solved by carefully considering all the factors while taking the persons in order.
CollegeY/ College S: Male
Businessman /Stockbroker: Male
6) 4 7) 2 8) 3 9) 1 10) 5
Puzzle 3:
There are five friends, namely P, Q, R, S and T of different heights and different ages. There are two females and three males. P is taller than only Q. Only S is taller than T. Two females are not immediately next to each other, and also the persons who are at extreme ends are not females when they are arranged in ascending order. The ascending order of these friends on height automatically places them in reverse order of their ages. P was born in the year 1990. T is exactly one year younger to P.
11. Who is the tallest person?
1) T 2) S 3) R 4) P 5) Q
12. Which year 'S' might have been born?
1) 1992 2) 1990 3) 1989 4) 1988 5) 1987
13. Who is the shortest person as well as the oldest person?
1) T 2) Q 3) P 4) S 5) None
14. Who are the two ladies in the group?
1) S,T 2) T,R 3) R,S
4) T,P 5) Cannot be determined
Solution: This is grading model. The persons can be related in the following way.
The given statements have to be understood as follows;
l 'P is taller than only Q' means that 'P' is taller than 'Q' but shorter than R, S and T.
l 'Only S is taller than T' indicates that no body is taller than 'T' other than 'S'. So, 'S' is the tallest and 'T' is the second tallest.
As the order of height and that of age are reverse to each other, tallest person is the youngest person and the shortest person is the oldest.
11) 2 12) 1 13) 2 14) 4