నాడీ వ్యవస్థలో న్యూక్లియస్ 'ఉంది? | Nucleus' in nervous system is? | Sakshi
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నాడీ వ్యవస్థలో న్యూక్లియస్ 'ఉంది?

Published Tue, Apr 8 2014 10:46 PM | Last Updated on Thu, Jul 11 2019 5:01 PM

నాడీ వ్యవస్థలో న్యూక్లియస్ 'ఉంది? - Sakshi

నాడీ వ్యవస్థలో న్యూక్లియస్ 'ఉంది?

Nucleus' in nervous system is?

 ANIMAL DIVERSITY- I (invertebrate phyla)

 1.    Arrange the following taxa in the hierarchy  of leopard from the taxon with more similarities  to the taxon with more differences
     A) Panthera        B) Felidae
     C) Pardus        D) Chordata
     E) Mammalia        F) Carnivora
     1) C-B-A-E-F-D     2) C-A-B-E-F-D
     3) C-A-B-F-E-D    4) A-B-C-D-E-F
 2.    Match the following
 LIST - I    LIST - II
 A)    Herbert     I) Natural History
 B)    John Ray    II) Molecular systematics
 C)    Buffon    III) Organic Evolution
 D)    CarlWoese     IV) Historia Generalis
             V) Systema Naturae
 A        B    C    D
 1.        III    II    V    I
 2.        III    IV    I    II
 3.        IV    III    II    V
 4.        II    IV    I    III
 3.    Because of  which of the following feature shown by its members species is conside-red as an evolutionary unit
 1)    Similar karyotype
 2)    Reproductive isolation from other groups
 3)    Similar structure and functional characteristics
 4)    Same ecological niche
 4.    Read the following statements
 I)    Species name and sub species names are same for  Indian crow
 II)    Generic name and species name are same for  spotted deer
 III) Prefix is same for family and sub family to which man belongs
 Which of the above are true
     1) All except III    2) All except II    3) All except I 4) All
 5.    Match the following
 LIST - I    LIST - II
 a)    Kashmiri stag    i) Ailurusochraceus
 b)    Pygmy hog    ii) Grusleucogeranus
 c)    Siberian crane    iii) Cervuselaphushanglu
 d)    Red panda    iv) Loris tardigradus
          v) Sus salvanius
 a        b    c    d
 1.        ii    iii    iv    v    
 2.        iii    v    ii    i
 3.        iv    v    i    ii
 4.        iii    I    v    iv
 6.Cockroach was named earlier as Blattaamericana by Linnaeus. Later it was renamed as Periplaneta americana by Burmeister. Identify the correct expressions among the following
 I)    Blatta Americana, Linnaeus
 II)    Blattaamericana, Linnaeus
 III) Periplanetaamericana, Linnaeus    
 IV) Periplanetaamericana, Burmeister
 V) Periplanetaamericana (Linnaeus)    
     1) I, IV & V        2)II, IV & V
     3) II, III & IV        4)I, III & V
 7.    Assertion (A): Non-linear curve cannot reflects the relationship between area and species richness completely.
     Reason (R): It does not approaches an equilibrium state in any condition.
 1)    Both A and R are true and R explains A
 2)    Both A and R are true but R does not explains A
 3)    A is true but R is false
 4)    A is false and R is true
 8.    In a species richness-Area relationship, the angle and slope and Z - value for the areas at higher latitudes  respectively
     1) > 45o  and < 1    2) < 45o and >1    3) < 45o and < 1    4) > 450 and > 1
 9.    Identify the phyla among the following which show spiral and determinate pattern of cleavage
 1) Mollusca, Echinodermata, hemichordata
 2) Annelida, hemichordata and porifera
 3) Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata
 4) Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca
 10.    Read the following
 I)    Plots with more species showed more variations in biomass year-to-year.
 II)    Lesser productivity occurs in the areas with greater diversity.
 III) Less variations are possible in biomass year-to-year in the areas with more species.
 Which of the above are true for outcome of the experiments conducted with outdoor plots by Tilman?
     1) All of the above    2) Only I    
     3) Only III        4) Only II
 11.    Corvussplendensprotegatus is the subspe-cies of crow found in        
     1) Srilanka        2) Pakistan           3) India        4) Myanmar
 12.    Which of the following feature of gut wall of roundworms compensates the absence of circulatorysystem by allowing easy diffusion of digested food?
 1)    Presence of mesoderm only
 2)    Presence of ectoderm only
 3)    Presence of endoderm only
 4)    Absence of endoderm
 13.    Assertion(A): Kidneys are considered as retroperitoneal organs.
     Reason(R): Kidneys are covered by parietal peritoneum on their dorsal surfaces.
 1)    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation to A
 2)    Both A and R are true but R does not explains A.
 3)    A is true but R is false
 4)    A is false but R is true
 14.    The reason for the absence of complex and highly specialized organs in the gut of pseudocoelomates when compared to that of eucoelomates
 1)    Occurrence of primary induction
 2)    Direct contact between mesoderm and endoderm
 3)    Separation of mesoderm and endoderm by fluid filled space
 4)    Direct contact between mesoderm and ectoderm.
 15.    Read the following statements.
 I)    Platyhelminthes is the group with neither primary cavity nor secondary body cavity.
 II)    Pseudocoelomates have secondary body cavity but lack primary cavity.
 III) Annelids  have schizocoelom as
      secondary body cavity.
 IV) Arthropods and molluscans have
     haemocoel as functional body cavity.
 Which of the above are not correct?
     1) All except II        2) II only
     3) All except III    4) All except IV
 16.    Tissues present in the trachea of mammals
 1.    Pseudostratifiednonciliated   epithelium, elastic connective tissue & hyaline cartilage
 2.    Pseudosratified   ciliated   epithelium, elastic connective tissue & hyaline cartilage
 3.    Pseudostratified ciliated   epithelium, densefibrous irregular & elastic cartilage
 4.    Pseudostratified nonciliated epithelium, reticular tissue & elastic cartilage
 17.    Match the following
         A     B     C    D    E
     1.    II    III    IV    V    I
     2.    V    VI    I    II    IV
     3.    III    VI    IV    II    I
     4.    V    I    VI    IV    II
 18.    Correct combination is?
             1. I & II        2. II & III
     3. I & III         4. I , II & III
 19.    Identify the correct statement among the following
 1)    Leucocytes are larger than RBC in size but less than RBC in number.
 2)    Granulocytes are considered as polymorpho nuclear leucocytes as they contain many nuclei.
 3)    Oedema occurs due to decrease in the size of albumin proteins in the blood.
 4)    Diaphysis is the movement of leucocytes into the extravascular areas
 20.    Nucleus' in nervous system is?
 1)    Groups of axons in central nervous system
 2)    Groups of cell bodies in central nervous system
 3)    Aggregation of nerve fibres in peripheral nervous system
 4)    Aggregation of cell bodies in peripheral nervous system  
 21.    Identify the following muscle and its nature
 1)    Striped and voluntary             -with intercalated discs
 2)    Striped and
         involuntary - with
         intervertebral discs.
 3)    Unstriped and
         involuntary - without
 4)    Striped and
 involuntary - with intercalated discs
 22.    Vitamins required for the maturation of RBC are
 1)    Ascorbic acid and Vitamin B12
 2)    Nicotinic acid and Vitamin B1
 3)    Folic acid and Vitamin B2
 4)    Folic acid and Vitamin B12
 23.    The products of cellular wear and tear  accumulate in neuron as
 1) Nissl bodies        2) Nuclei    
 3) Lipofuscin granules     4) Nodes
 24.    Arrange the following leucocytes in descending order based on their percentage
     A) Neutrophils        B) Eosinophils
     C) Basophils          D) Lymphocytes
     E) Monocytes
     1) C-B-E-D-A        2) C-B-D-E-A    
     3) C-D-B-E-A        4) A-D-E-B-C
 25.    Which of the following statements is true about 'Diapedesis' ?        
 1)    It is a wide gap on the jaw bone between incisors and premolars
 2)    Penetration of leucocytes from blood capillaries into connective  tissue
 3)    Fall in the level of albumin of the blood plasma resulting accumulation of fluid in Tissue
 4)    A shaft of long bone present between two expanded ends
 1)  3    2)  2    3)  3    4)  4      5) 2
 6)  2    7)  3    8)  3    9)   4    10) 3
 11) 1    12) 3    13) 3    14) 3    15) 2
 16) 2    17) 2    18) 3    19) 1    20) 2
 21) 4    22) 4    23) 3    24) 4    25) 2


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