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Published Wed, Jun 18 2014 10:23 PM | Last Updated on Thu, Jul 11 2019 5:01 PM


Directions (Q.116-120): Each ques-tion below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
 116.Scientific humanism claims itself to be an ___ philosophy and aims ___ the realization of maximum peace and happiness in the world.
     1) ethical, at     2) ethics, by
     3) ethnicity, on  4) ethics, for
     5) ethical, in
 117. I will give you ___ ring after I ___ home tomorrow.
     1) a, will reach
     2) the, would reach
     3) a, would reached
     4) a, would have reached
     5) the, would be reach
 118. Often projects are ___ by out-siders in order to justify conti-nual funding or political ___
     1) examined, pay
     2) evaluated, support
     3) receive, dispatch
     4) post, keep
     5) sent, delivered
 119. He is smart ___ to think of an -___ lie like that.
     1) very, intelligent
     2) too, important
     3) enough, ingenious 4) yet, bold
     5) but, inappropriate
 120. There were ___ arguments over the issue, but in the end reason ___
     1) debate, survived
     2) strong, persisted
     3) smart, counted
     4) heated, prevailed
     5) huge, curtailed
 Directions (Q. 121-125): Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in a proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the que-stions given below.
     A.    In this scale of preference ess-ential commodities come first, then the kind of luxuries which help us to be more comfortable, and finally those nonessentials which give us personal pleasure.
     B.    People very seldom have eve-rything they want.
     C.    Usually we have to decide carefully how to spend our income.
     D.    Our decisions indicate our sc-ale of preference and there-fore our priorities.
     E.    When we exercise our choice, we do according to our per-sonal scale of preferences.
     F.    They may all seem important, but their true importance can be measured by deciding which we are prepared to live without.
 121. What is the FIRST sentence in the paragraph?
     1) A    2) B   3) D    4) F       5) C
 122. What is the FIFTH sentence in the paragraph?
     1) C    2) B    3) D    4) E     5) A
 123. The LAST sentence in the paragraph is
     1) F    2) B    3) D    4) E      5) C
 124.The THIRD sentence in the paragraph is
     1) F     2) C  3) D    4) B      5) E
 125. The FOURTH sentence in the paragraph is
     1) A    2) F    3) E     4) B      5) C
 Directions (Q.126-135): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appro-priately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case and mark your answer.
 In our ___ (126) to life, be it pragmatic or otherwise, a ___ (127) fact that confronts us squarely and unmistakenly is the desire ___ (128) peace, security and happiness. Different ___ (129) of life at ___ (130) levels of existence make up the terming ___ (131) of this earth of ours. And, no matter whether they belong to the ___ (132) groups such as human beings or to the lower groups such as animals, all beings primarily seek peace, comfort ___ (133) security. Life is as dear, to a mute creature as it is to man. Even the lowliest insect strives for protection ___ (134) dangers that threaten ___ (135) life. Just as each one of us wants to live and not to die, so do all other creatures
 126. 1) attitude     2) approach
     3) manner    4) position
     5) participate
 127. 1) basic    2) basics
     3) basically    4) based
     5) based on
 128. 1) for   2) at     3) in       
      4) on       5) with
 129. 1) formed    2) forms
     3) forming    4) form
     5) formation
 130.1) variedly    2) measurable
     3) different    4) various
     5) variety
 131.1) denizens    2) citizens
     3) netizens    4) natives
     5) non-natives
 132. 1) high    2) highest
     3) higher    4) highly
     5) hugely
 133. 1) by    2) and    3) or
      4) with    5) for
 134.1) between    2) against
     3) with    4) among
     5) almost
 135. 1) it's   2) it is         3) its
     4) its'        5) it all
 Directions (Q. 136-140): In each of the following questions five sets of words are given, of which one set of two words are most nearly the SAME or OPPOSITE in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination.
 136.1) Advance …  recede
     2) Abridge ...  bridge
     3) Amount  … link
     4) Capital … Hyderabad
     5) Opposite …opportunity
 137.1) Threaten  … sacrifice
     2) Threaten … terrorize
     3) Crucify … pacify
     4) Mural …moral
     5) Number … rhyme
 138.1) Confront … tackle
     2) Confectionary... bake
     3) Assault … attract
     4) Attract… magnify
     5) Combine… contract
 139.1) Motivate… help
     2) Transfer … transport
     3) Ignore … ignorant
     4) Malign …benign
     5) Suspense… susceptible
 140.1) Ingenious … clever
     2) Smart … fellow
     3) Humane … human
     4) Compassionate … passionate
     5) Compound …subject
 Directions (Q.141 to 144): In each question below, four words printed in bold are given. These are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these words printed in BOLD may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in BOLD are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (5) i.e. 'All Correct' as your answer.
 141. Few teacher (1) have been spared (2) the problem of an obstreperous (3) pupil (4) in the class. All Correct (5)
 142. There was (1) intermediate (2) rain fall throughout (3) the afternoon. (4) All Correct (5)
 143. He explained (1) his preca-rious (2) strategy to follower (3) in unequivocal terms. (4) All Correct (5)
 144. We have carefully (1) read your explain (2) and it sounds (3) plausible. (4) All Correct (5)
 Directions (Q.145-150): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it gramma-tically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.
 145. Not a word they spoke to the unfortunate wife about it.
     1) did they speak
     2) they will speak
     3) they had spoken
     4) has they spoke
     5) No improvement
 146. The poor villagers have waited in the bitter cold for more than four hours now.    
     1) have been waiting
     2) had waited
     3) has been waiting
     4) has been waited
     5) No improvement
 147. If he had time he will called you
     1) would have
     2) would
         have had
     3) has        4) had have
     5) No   improvement
 148.All, but her, had made an attempt    
     1) All, but she    2) All but her
     3) All, but her    4) All, but, her
     5) No improvement
 149.His powerful desire brought about his downfall.
     1) His intense desire
     2) His desire for power
     3) His fatal desire
     4) Power desire    
     5) No improvement
 150. It was indeed a shock for her, but she has later recovered from it.
     1) since     2) then
     3) afterward     4) than
     5) No improvement  
 Test of Data Analysis
 & Interpretation
 Directions (Q. 151-152): What app-roximate value should come in place of question mark (?) in the following questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
 151.783.559 + 49.0937 × 31.679     - 58.591 = ?
     1) 26600    2) 5000
     3) 12800    4) 2550
     5) 2280
 152. 562 × 2.5385 = ?
     1) 4740    2) 5570     3) 6600
     4) 7960    5) 8880
 Directions (Q.153-155): Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow.
     A basket contains 4 red, 5 blue and 3 green marbles.
 153. If three marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that either all are green or all are red?
     1)   2)   3)    4)
     5) None of these
 154.If two marbles are drawn at random, what is the probability that both are red?
     1)         2)    3)       4)    
     5) None of these
 155. If three marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that at least one is blue?
     1)     2)   3)  4)   
      5) None of these
 Directions (Q. 156-160): Study the following line graph and answer the questions based on it.
 156.What is the difference between the two companies in the given years?
     1) 16000  2) 26000  3) 28000    4) 30000    5) None of these
 157. What is the difference between the numbers of vehicles manu-factured by Company Y in 2000 and 2001?
     1) 21000 2) 22000  3) 23000    4) 24000 5) None of these
 158. What is the average number of vehicles manufactured by Com-pany X over the given period?
     1) 119133    2) 119233    3) 119333    4) 119433    5) None of these
 159.In which of the following years, the difference between the productions of Companies X and Y was the maximum among the given years?
     1) 1800  2) 1875   3) 1900    4) 2000  5) None of these

 160.The production of Company Y in 2000 was approximately what percent of the production of Company X in same year?
     1) 163%    2) 164%        3) 165%    4) 166%        5) None of these
 161.In which University was the number of Graduates enrolled the maximum in the year 2007?
     1) A     2) C     3) D        4) F      5) None of these
 162.What was the difference bet-ween the number of Post-graduates enrolled in University 'D' in the year 2008 and the number of Graduates enrolled in University 'F' in the year 2003?
     1) 16,000    2) 1,600
     3) 1,400    4) 14,000    
     5) None of these
 163.What was the total number of Postgraduates enrolled in Uni-versity 'G' in the year 2006?
     1) 2,100    2) 21,000
     3) 2,400    4) 24,000
     5) None of these
 164.The number of Graduates enroll-ed in University B was the high-est in which year?
     1) 2002    2) 2003
     3) 2008    4) 2007
     5) None of these
 165. How many Postgraduates and Graduates together were enrolled in University 'C' in the year 2005?
     1) 3,300    2) 33,000
     3) 4,300    4) 43,000
     5) None of these
 Directions (Q. 166 - 170): What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series?
 166. 12, 6.5, 7.5, 12.75, 27.5, 71.25, ?
     1) 225.75    2) 216.75    
     3) 209.75    4) 236.75
     5) 249.75
 167.16, 24, 36, 54, 81, 121.5,  ?
     1) 182.25    2) 174.85
     3) 190.65    4) 166.55
     5) 158.95
 168. 12, 12, 18, 45, 180, 1170, ?
     1) 13485    2) 14675
     3) 15890    4) 16756
     5) 12285
 169. 22, 23, 27, 36, 52, 77,  ?
     1) 111    2) 109
     3) 113    4) 117
     5) 115
 170.16, 14, 24, 66, 256, 1270, ?
     1) 8564    2) 5672
     3) 4561    4) 7608
     5) 6340
Directions (Q.171-175): A soft drink company prepares drinks of three different flavors - X, Y and Z. The production (in thousands) of three flavors over a period of six years has been expressed in the bar graph provided below.
 171.The total production of flavor Z in 1997 and 1998 is what per-centage of the total production of flavor X in 1995 and 1996?
     1)  96.67%    2)  102.25%    3)  115.57%    4)  133.33%    5) 135%
 172.For which flavor was the average annual production maxi-mum in the given period?
     1)  X only    2) Y only
     3)  Z only    4)  X and Y    5) Data insufficient  
 173.What is the difference between the average production of flavor X in 1995, 1996 and 1997 and the average production of flavor Y in 1998, 1999 and 2000?
     1) 50,000 bottles
     2) 80,000 bottles
     3) 2,40,000 bottles
     4) 5,00,000 bottles
     5) None
 174.What was the approximate de-cline in the production of flavor Z in 2000 as compared to the production in 1998?
     1)  50%       2)  42%     
     3)  33%    4)  25%   
     5) 22%
 175.For which of the following years the percentage of rise/fall in pro-duction from the previous year is the maximum for the flavor Y?
     1) 1996    2) 1997
     3) 1998    4) 1999
     5) 2000
 Directions (Q. 176 - 180): Study the following pie chart and bar graph and answer the following ques-tions.
 Percentage wise distribution of teachers in six different districts.
 176.What is the total number of male tea-chers in District F, fe-male teachers in Dis-trict C and female tea-chers in District B together?
 1) 1080      2) 1120
 3) 1180     4) 1020    5) None of these
 177.The number of female teachers in District D is approximately what percent of the total number of teachers (both male and female) in District A?
     1) 70    2) 75       3) 80    
     4) 95       5) 90
 178.In which district is the number of male teachers more than the number of female teachers?
     1) B only        2) D only
     3) Both B and E
     4) Both E & F     5) None
 179. What is the difference between the number of female teachers in District F and the total number of teachers (both male and female) in District E?
     1) 625    2) 775    
     3) 675    4) 725    
     5) None of these
 180.What is the ratio of the number of male teachers in District C to the number of female teachers in District B?
     1) 11 : 15    2) 15 : 11        3) 15 : 8    4) 30 : 13
     5) None of these
 Directions (Q.181 - 185): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Out of the 15,000 candidates eligible for an officer's post in a Public Sector Bank, 450 candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only. 25% of the total number of candidates has prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks in urban areas only. 12% of the total number of candidates has prior experience of working in Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 2% of the total number of candidates has prior experience of working in Private Sector Banks in rural areas only. 3600 candidates have worked in both Public and Private Sector Banks in urban areas only. 600 candidates have worked in both Public and Private Sector Banks in rural areas only. The remaining can-didates have no prior experience of working in the Banking industry.
 181.How many candidates have prior experience of working in rural areas (both Public Sector and Private Sector Banks together)?
     1) 4,350 2) 4,950  3) 4,800    4) 4,900  5) 4,850
 182.How many candidates have prior experience of working in Public Sector Banks (Urban and Rural areas together)?
     1) 12,450    2) 8,400
     3) 10,050    4) 10,650
     5) None of these
 183.What is the ratio of the can-didates who have a prior ex-perience of working in Public Sector Banks in rural areas only to the candidates who have a prior experience of working in Private Sector Banks in rural areas only?
     1) 4 : 3   2) 3 : 2       3) 2 : 3
     4) 3 : 4   5) None of these
 184.What is the total number of candidates who have worked in Private Sector Banks in urban areas?
     1) 1,800   2) 2,250    3) 4,050    4) 3,600   5) None of these
 185.The candidates who have no prior experience of working in the banking industry are what percent of the candidates who have worked in Public Sector Banks in both urban and rural areas together?
     1) 60.5   2) 63.5        3) 62    4) 64         5) None of these
 116) 1     117) 1    118) 2        119) 3    120) 4    
 121) 2    122) 4    123) 3    124) 2    125) 1    126) 2    
 127) 1    128) 1    129) 2    130) 3     131) 1    132) 3    
 133) 2    134) 2    135) 3     136) 1    137) 2    138) 1    
 139) 4    140)         1141) 1    142) 2    143) 3    144) 2    
 145) 5     146) 1    147) 1    148) 3    149) 1    150) 5
 151) 5    152) 4    153) 4    154) 5    155) 2
 156) 2    157) 1    158) 3    159) 4    160) 2
 161) 5    162) 1    163) 2    164) 4    165) 2
 166) 2    167) 1    168) 5    169) 3    170) 4
 171) 4    172) 2    173) 1    174) 1    175) 2
 176) 1    177) 5    178) 3    179) 2    180) 3
 181) 2    182) 4    183) 2    184) 3    185) 5.


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