విమాన రాజధాని అంటే ఏమిటి?
1. Which of the following commissions recommended for establishment of Reserve Bank of India?
a) Deshmukh Committee
b) Hilton young commission
c) Presidency Banking Commission
d) Narasimhan Committee
e) Osbone Smith Committee
2. RBI has capped the _______ to Rs. 35000 Crore to central government for the first half of the new financial year 2015.
a) Bridge Loan
b) Long term loan to repay the World Bank loan
c) Ways and means advance
d) Advance to promote Government Schemes
e) Advance for improving infrastructure for the newly formed states in India
3. RBI has been authorised by Central Government to issue debt instruments not exceeding Rs.50000 Crore during the fiscal 2014-15 under MSS. What do you mean by MSS?
a) Marginal Stability Scheme
b) Market standardisation Scheme
c) Market Stabilisation Scheme
d) Marginal Stabilisation scheme
e) None of the above
4. Which bank has started issuing Kisan Card to withdraw one lakh per day from ATMs?
a) Axis Bank b) ICICI Bank
c) HDFC Bank
d) State Bank of India
e) Punjab National Bank
5. Who is recently named as the India's governor on the board of governors of Asian Development Bank?
a) Sushma Swaraj b) Arun Jaitley
c) Murali Manohar Joshi
d) H.R.Khan e) Venkaiah Naidu
6. The rate of interest on Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) loan introduced in the year 1972 is __
a) 4% b) 5% c) 6% d) 3%
e) Depends on the loan
7. Which of the following banks were merged with State Bank of India?
a) State Bank of Indore
b) State Bank of Sourasthra
c) State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur
d) State Bank of Patiala
e) a & b
8. When a person wants to save money for a longer period of time with a view to earn a higher rate of interest, he/ she should open which of the following types of accounts?
a) Savings account
b) Current account
c) Terms Deposit account
d) Recurring account
e) None of these
9. For obtaining which among the following, does a customer not require a bank account?
a) A Loan b) A Cheque
c) A Banker's Draft
d) A debit Card
e) All of the above
10. When RBI sells Government securities, its result:
a) The liquidity in the banking system increases
b) The liquidity in the banking system remains unchanged
c) The liquidity in the banking system gets diminished
d) The Deflation will be controlled
e) The borrowers get credit at cheaper rate
11. The banks are in process to bring in biometric ATMs. These are specially aimed to address the needs of which of the following categories?
a) Urban customers
b) Rural customers
c) Students d) Women
e) None of these
12. What do you mean by flight of capital?
a) Large number of investors of a country transferring their investments elsewhere due to disturbed economic conditions
b) Investment in risky projects
c) Large amount of inflow of capital from NRIs
d) b & c e) None of the above
13. Fourteen banks were nationalised on 19.07.1969 as per:
a) Companies Act 1956
b) Banking Regulation Act 1949
c) Banking Companies (Acquisition and transfer of undertakings) ordinance Act, 1969
d) RBI Act 1934
e) Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
14. Under PMJDY, every account holder will get a ____
a) Rupay debit card
b) Rs. 1.00 lack accident insurance
c) Rs. 30,000 for natural death
d) Rs. 25000 credit card limit
e) a, b & c
15. The Phase II of PMJDY (15th August, 2015 to 14th August, 2018) covers ____
a) Creation of Credit Guarantee Fund for coverage of defaults in overdraft A/Cs
b) Micro Insurance
c) Unorganized sector Pension schemes like Swavlamban
d) Only a & b e) a, b & c
16. How many times nomination in deposit accounts can be changed?
a) Only one
b) Maximum two times
c) Once in a year
d) At the discretion of the concerned bank
e) No such restriction
17. BIS which has representative offices in Hong Kong and Mexico was established on 17th May 1930, wherein BIS stands for:
a) Bank for Industrial Settlements
b) Bank for International Settlements
c) Bank with Industrial standards
d) Bureau of Indian Standards
e) None of the above
18. Which Indian is one of the Board of Directors in BIS (Bank for International Settlements)?
a) Arun Jaitley b) Chidambaram
c) Raghuram Rajan
d) Arundhathi subramanyam
e) SS Mundra
19. Basel III Norms are to be fully implemented by ____
a) 31 march 2020
b) 31 March 2019
c) 31 March 2025
d) 30 September 2014
e) None of these
20. What are the powers of RBI under section 35A of the Banking Regulation Act 1949 for issuing directions to Bank?
a) To issue directions in the public interest or in the interest of banking policy
b) To prevent affairs of banking company if it is detrimental to the interests of depositors
c) To secure the proper management of any banking company
d) All the above e) Only a & b
21. As per Basel III, Banks would be required to maintain capital Adequacy Ratio of ____ including Ca-pital Conservation Buffer (CCB).
a) 11.5 b) 10.5 c) 9.5
d) 8.5 e) 12.5
22. SEBI Head Office is located in:
a) Hyderabad b) Pune
c) Mumbai d) New Delhi
e) Chennai
23. Which of the following are the targets for different categories of priority sector?
a) Overall target 40% of net Bank credit
b) Agriculture loans (direct and indirect) 18%
c) Priority sector target for foreign Banks is 32%
d) All the above
e) None of the above
24. In terms of section 19 of the RBI Act 1934, the RBI has been prohibited from:
a) Acting as lender of last resort to banks
b) Drawing or accepting bills payable otherwise than on demand
c) Allowing interest on deposits or current accounts
d) Deciding Repo and Reverse Repo Rates
e) Deciding Bank Rate
25. Budget allocation for the rural housing scheme in the Union Budget 2014 - 15 is ____
a) Rs. 6,000 cr b) Rs. 8,000 cr
c) Rs. 10,000 cr d) Rs. 12,000 cr
e) None of the above
26. RBI allocating the funds from the subvention of rate of interest to Bank loans given to farmers by pledging their gold comes under _____
a) Traditional function
b) Supervisory function
c) Promotional function
d) Derilictory function
e) None of these
27. Review of banks performance is one of the functions of ____
a) Promotional function
b) Administrative function
c) Supervisory functions
d) Negative functions e) None
28. AS per RBI order, against the certificate of Deposit, the ____
a) Loan cannot be granted
b) Loan can be granted
c) Loan can be granted up to 50% of value
d) Loan can be granted up to 75% of value
e) None of these
29. An order cheque is endorsed as "without recourse to me" by the endorser. This endorsement is known as
a) Blank endorsement
b) Restrictive endorsement
c) Endorsement in full
d) Sans recourse endorsement
e) None of these
30. Bank A allows one of its clients to withdraw against clearing of a cheque, The banker is called as:
a) Collecting and paying banker
b) Holder in due course
c) Holder for value
d) Reimbursement banker
e) Any of the above
31. Which one of the Non Resident Deposit schemes is not permitted?
a) FCNR A/cs b) NRNR A/cs
c) NRE A/cs d) NRO A/cs
e) NREO A/cs
32. Capital adequacy is worked out based on:
a) Total demand and time liabilities
b) Net demand and time assets
c) Risk weighted assets
d) Risk weighted liabilities
e) Only a & b
33. The whole time Directors of a Bank are appointed by:
a) Reserve Bank of India
b) Central government in consultation with RBI
c) Individual Bank
d) All the above
e) None of the above
34. Maximum amount that can be referred to Banking Ombudsman is ___
a) Rs. 5 lakh b) Rs. 10.00 lakh
c) Rs. 4.00 lakh d) Rs. 3.00 lakh
e) Rs. 2.00 lakh
35. Which of the following is the first universal bank of India?
a) HDFC b) Axis Bank
c) ICICI d) Federal Bank
e) None of these
36. Which of the following guidelines are applicable in connection with short fall in lending to priority sector?
a) Equivalent amount of shortfall under agriculture sector should be invested with RIDF
b) Any shortfall in achieving sub-target under SSI sector, an equivalent amount should be invested with SIDBI
c) The interest rates on banks' contribution to RIDF shall be fixed by Reserve Bank of India from Time to time.
d) The foreign banks having shortfall in lending to stipulated priority sector target/ sub-targets will Be required to contribute to Small Enterprises Development Fund (SEDF)
e) All of the above