The Perception of Price Depends on..
1. Which of the following is one of the important standard marke- ting practices?
a) Poaching b) Business ethics
c) Unhealthy competition
d) Phishing
e) Discount schemes to attract more customers
2. Sales curve move through various phases within its life cycle. Which of the following is not such phase?
a) Introduction b) Growth
c) Maturity d) Decline
e) None of these
3. Which of the following are the characteristics of service products?
a) Inseparability b) Variability
c) Intangibility d) Perishability
e) All of the above
4. The abbreviation for ISP is:
a) International Spy Project communication
b) Indian Social Planning
c) Initial Service Provider
d) Internet Service Provider
e) None of the above
5. Unplanned purchases of a con- sumer are called:
a) Impulse buying
b) Irregular Demand
c) Unwholesome buying
d) Latent demand
e) None of these
6. In terms of consumer demand and spending behavior, markets are most interested in ___
a) Consumer credit b) Wealth
c) Disposable income
d) Pretax income
e) High Income
7. The advantage of telephone interview is:
a) Relatively low cost per interview
b) Good for reaching important people who are inaccessible
c) Good for reaching important people who are inaccessible
d) Securing Co-operation which is not always possible
e) a and b
8. While making a research for introducing a new product, different types of interviews is conducted. In this process a depth interview is most likely to be used to ____
a) alter a buyer's attitude towa- rds a product
b) influence a buyers percep- tions of a product
c) identify a buyers personality
d) increase a buyers knowledge of a product
e) discover the buyers motives
9. _____ is the difference between the cost of a good or service and its selling price.
a) Target return pricing
b) Value pricing
c) Marginal cost pricing
d) Markup pricing
e) Group pricing
10. Marketing mix does not include:
a) Distribution b) Product
c) Target Marketing
d) Pricing e) None of these
11. Demographic factors influencing consumer behavior depends on:
a) Age b) Gender
c) Language d) Income
e) All of the above
12. Which of the following statements concerning marketing research is NOT CORRECT?
a) Secondary research can be organized in house or via a research agency
b) No research is required to market a product
c) Secondary research is quicker than primary research
d) Secondary research is chea- per than primary research
e) None of these
13. The remedy against Unfair Com- petition by Misrepresentation is based on the law of ____
a) Equity b) Pairing off
c) Product proliferation
d) Passing off e) None of these
14. A paid form of non personal presentation and promotion is called:
a) Direct marketing
b) Advertising
c) Personal selling
d) Product modification
e) Public relation
15. The perception of price depends on:
a) A consumer's analysis of competitive prices
b) A product's actual price and consumers' expectations reg- arding price
c) A consumer's expectation of price
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
16. As a councilor, a personnel manager ____
a) reminds the management of moral obligations towards employees.
b) encourages the employees.
c) should inform the employees of their deficiencies in their work.
d) tries to settle the disputes bet- ween labour & management.
e) All of the above
17. Which growth strategy focuses on developing new product for a company's existing markets?
a) Market Penetration
b) Product Development
c) Market Development
d) Diversification
e) None of these
18. Which of the following is the key feature of oligopolistic competition?
a) Emphasis on price competi- tion
b) Complete absence of compet- ition
c) Emphasis on product differe- ntiation
d) Interdependence of suppliers
e) None of these
19. Developing a promotional progr- amme for a new service starts with ____
a) choosing a promotional mes-sage
b) determining promotional objectives
c) choosing an appropriate medium
d) evaluating alternative
e) None of these
20. _____ channel is only used in banking services.
a) Consumer marketing
b) Producer marketing
c) Direct marketing
d) Indirect marketing
e) None of these
21. Who among the following is least likely to be directly invol- ved in actually making sales?
a) Order taker
b) Current - customer sales- person
c) Order booking staff
d) Support personnel
e) Field order taker
22. While finalizing the sales promotion objectives, a marketer should always ____
a) concentrates on activities that will increase consumer demand
b) focuses on consumers
c) be defensive in the methods used
d) align objectives with the org- anisations overall objective
e) None of these
23. Promotion through Electronic Media:
a) Is cheap
b) Is must for every product promotion
c) Is appealing though costly
d) a and b e) None of these
24. Which type of advertisement is most useful for adventure travels?
a) Distribution through local network
b) Use of 'High street' travel agents
c) Direct sales from tour operator to customer
d) Sales through wholesaler
e) None of these
25. Value for money of a product can be best defined as:
a) A technical measure of a company's selling price related to its production cost
b) A measure of the mark-up price charged by companies
c) The lowest prices available to consumers
d) The best ratio of benefits to costs available to buyers
e) None of these
26. Which among the following is a part of 5 Ms of Marketing?
a) Market b) Management
c) Money d) Manpower
e) All of the above
27. Which among the following is not an example of convenience goods?
a) Tea b) Coffee c) News paper d) Shirts e) All of the above
28. ____ is the LEAST preferred promotion media for business to business marketers.
a) Direct mail b) Television
c) Trade publications
d) Personal selling
e) All of the above
29. Find the true statement.
a) Marketing is a waste of the employee's time
b) Market is not required in Ind- ia due to its vast population
c) Marketing involves additio- nal work
d) Marketing involves team work
e) None of these
30. Deceptive ____ includes such practices as false advertising "factory" or "wholesale" price.
a) Pricing b) Packaging
c) Promotion d) Products
e) All of the above
31. Like 7 'P's of marketing, there are 7 'O's of consumer behav- iour. One of the parts of 7 'O's:
a) Object b) Objective
c) Outlets d) Operation
e) All of the above
32. Labeling is important for infor- mational, legal and ___reasons.
a) Marketing b) Branding
c) Promotional d) Strategic
e) None of these
33. Which of the following is most likely to stimulate middle class buyers?
a) Unexpected value added services
b) Good reception
c) Discounts on festive seasons
d) Buy one get one free
e) All of the above
34. _____ is the term that is often used to describe the value of a product.
a) Brand position
b) Brand equity
c) Brand mapping
d) Brand image e) None of these
35. ____ is called as 'Prospect'.
a) A team leader
b) A likely buyer
c) A rude person
d) A religious head
e) A polite person
36. The label on hair dye packet 'we dye for you" is written to tell the product purpose and also to __
a) promote the product
b) provide information
c) encourage multiple purchases
d) All of the above
e) None of the above
37. Which of the following countries has made the greatest inroads into world markets?
a) Indonesia b) China c) Japan d) Philippines e) Malaysia