బ్యాంక్స్ స్పెషల్
Model Questions
Directions (Q. 1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Plagiarism is using the words or ideas of someone else as if they were your own. Universities consider plagiarism to be a serious offence and you need to take great care to avoid it. The Student Development website has a range of interactive on-line tutorials on how to avoid plagiarism. Unfortunately, it is relatively easy to find yourself in danger of plagiarizing another's work, even though you have no intention of doing so.
In India the advancements to check plagiarism are facing teething troubles. As technology has improved tremendously it has become very easy to get information pertaining to any subject with the click of the mouse. Internet and World Wide Web has changed the pace of the world. At the same time many people are using data from these sources without acknowledging them resorting to plagiarism. Technological advancements in this field has made it possible to develop software to check plagiarism. By using this software the research papers, dissertations and thesis are checked and approved only if they pass through this check. The quality of any research article can thus be analyzed by using a plagiarism check.
1. According to the writer, Plagiarism check in India
1) still needs to develop
2) is very strict and firm
3) is affected by red tape
4) is more or less effective
5) is effective only sometimes
2. Technological advancements are made easy to be known because of
1) internet & intranet
2) LAN & RAM
3) internet & WWW
4) encyclopedia
5) large information
3. The central idea of passage could be best expressed by the following
1) It is easy to copy information
2) It is easy to keep information
3) It is easy to check plagiarism
4) It is tough for copying
5) It is acceptable copying data from other sources
4. The quality of any research article can be analyzed by
1) experts 2) novice
3) software 4) apprentice
5) greenhorn
5. The information on how to avoid plagiarism is available on
1) student development website
2) interactive tutorials
2) off line course
3) staff 4) teachers 5) thesis
Directions (Q. 6-8): Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
6. Offence
1) breach 2) behavior
3) perfection 4) aptness
5) precision
7. Avoid
1) evade 2) evoke
3) excite 4) excuse
5) exit
8. Intention
1) trust 2) target
3) tip 4) test
5) draft
Directions (Q. 9-10): Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
9. Possible
1) probable 2) potential
3) feasible 4) unlikely
5) fanciful
10. Approved
1) permit 2) standard
3) official 4) pertain
5) censure
Directions (Q. 11-20): Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words from the five options for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
11. In India social responsibility is ______ ancient ______ venerable tradition.
1) a, an 2) an, a
3) an, and 4) the, an
5) a, but
12. I enjoyed ______ as I walked along the lane.
1) much 2) very
3) myself 4) being
5) very
13. This is a good example to go by -______ solving the problems.
1) and 2) amidst
3) while 4) your
5) prize
14. You need to ______ your statement with correct data.
1) back up 2) break up
3) broke out 4) break in
5) bear with
15. When he tried to play ______ her emotions, she turned out very ______.
1) active, vigorous
2) timid, vibrant
3) lazy, vociferous
4) with, violent 5) at, velocity
16. The professor as well as the lecturer ______ to conduct the examination next week.
1) has accepted
2) have accepted
3) having accepted
4) has been accepting
5) will accept
17. She is good ______ at games
______ at studies.
1) either, or 2) neither, nor
3) both, but 4) but, and
5) not only, and
18. He wanted to read the directions ______.
1) right 2) wrongly
3) carefully 4) startlingly
5) mostly
19. We are still at the ______ of how IT and computing really ______ the world.
1) going, dropped
2) encouraged, prepared
3) beginning, impact
4) cross, vow
5) post, made
20. Modern games use cheap hardware and ______ to create three-dimensional worlds.
1) software 2) soft wire
3) soft wear 4) softwares
5) warehouse
Directions (Q. 21-25): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical mistake/ error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number of that part with error as your answer. If there is 'No error', mark (5) as your answer.
21. Don't exert (1)/ yourself lest (2)/ you will (3)/ fall sick. (4)/ No error (5)
22. Educational institutions need to (1)/ recognize the importance of nurturing creativity, (2)/ both in its own right (3)/ as well as a path to formal, structured learning. (4)/ No error (5)
23. The assurance that (1)/ he will cured (2)/ from the disease (3)/ pleased him very much. (4)/ No error (5)
24. Her ability to (1)/ talk to strangers (2)/ is one of her (3)/ stronger points. (4)/ No error (5)
25. After you will return (1)/ from America (2)/ I will come (3)/ and see you. (4)/ No error (5)
Directions: (Q. 26 - 30): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.
26. I do not know whether tomorrow is a holiday for the college.
1) is a holiday for college
2) will be a holiday for the college
3) will be a holiday to the college
4) will be a holiday of the college
5) No correction required
27. Scarcely did I step on the bridge then it broke.
1) then it was breaking
2) than it broke
3) when it broke
4) when it has broken
5) No correction required
28. Neither the Principal nor the members of the committee had attended the meeting.
1) have attended the meeting
2) has attended the meeting
3) is attending the meeting
4) will have attended the meeting
5) No correction required
29. He looked as though he hasn't had a decent meal for a week.
1) hadn't had 2) didn't have
3) wouldn't have
4) shouldn't have
5) No correction required
30. The master tested the new boy to see if he can read English.
1) if he would 2) if he will
3) if he could 4) whether he will
5) No correction required
Directions (Q. 31-40):
In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/ phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case and mark your answer.
There are vast amounts of water on earth. Unfortunately, over 97% of it is ____ (31) salty for human ____ (32) and only a fraction of the remainder is____ (33) accessible in rivers, lakes or groundwater. Climate change, droughts, ____ (34) population and increasing industrial demand ____ (35) straining the available supplies of fresh water. More than 1 billion people live in areas where water is ____ (36), according to the United Nations, and that number could increase to 1.8 billion by 2025. One time-tested ____ (37) expensive way to produce drinking water is desalination. The world's oceans, in particular, present a ____ (38) limitless and drought-proof supply of water. The good news is (39) advances in technology and manufacturing have ____ (40) the cost and energy requirements of desalination.
31. 1) any 2) much 3) some
4) few 5) too
32. 1) consumption 2) consume
3) constitute 4) constitution
5) conspire
33. 1) emphatically 2) positive
3) easily 4) forcibly
5) definite
34. 1) result 2) growing
3) causing 4) until
5) making
35. 1) any 2) were 3) had
4) are 5) no
36. 1) scarce 2) positive
3) present 4) plenty
5) definite
37. 1) found 2) but 3) with
4) while 5) and
38. 1) variety 2) while
3) causing 4) virtually
5) making
39. 1) than 2) when
3) while 4) that
5) stuff
40. 1) reduced 2) reduction
3) ready 4) radiation
5) radiate
1) 1; 2) 3; 3) 1; 4) 3;
5) 1; 6) 1; 7) 1; 8) 2;
9) 4; 10) 5; 11) 3; 12) 3;
13) 3; 14) 1; 15) 4; 16) 1;
17) 2; 18) 3; 19) 3; 20) 1;
21) 3; 22) 4; 23) 2; 24) 4;
25) 1; 26) 2; 27) 3; 28) 1;
29) 1; 30) 3; 31) 5; 32) 1;
33) 3; 34) 2; 35) 4; 36) 1;
37) 2; 38) 4; 39) 4; 40) 1.