Genetics is one of the important topics in senior inter syllabus.
This unit covers basic infor- mation about heredity, blood groups, sex determination, sex linked inheritance, genetic dis- orders, human genome project and DNA fingerprinting.
Students should learn the contents from fundamental level. This type of preparation only makes them perfect in this topic.
Multiples allelism related to ABO blood types is the most important topic for both IPE and EAMCET.
Students should prepare the inheritance of ABO blood groups through alleles like IA, IB & IO, Rh factor, Conditions which lead to the occurrence of Erythro-blastosis foetalis, genetic control of Rh system.
Inheritance of polygenic charac-ters like skin color in man is also important.
Sex determination is the another important content for all types of academic and competitive exams.
XX-XO type and XX-XY type of male heterogamety and ZO-ZZ type and ZW-ZZ of female heterogamety are important for exams.
Students should understand the concept of Genic Balance theory of Bridges in Drosophila thoro-ughly for competitive exams.
They should learn the concept of Barr bodies and haplodiploidy in honeybees also.
Another most important topic in this unit for LAQ for IPE and also for EAMCET is Sex linked inheritance in the form of X linked (both recessive and domi- nant), Y linked and XY linked characters.
Students should get the difference between Sex limited characters and Sex influenced characters.
Pedigree analysis is another important topic for EAMCET. Students should practice different types of genetic disorders through the analysis of pedigree chart.
Students should list out the all types of Mendelian disorders like haemophilia, sickle-cell anae-mia, Phenylketonuria, colour blindness, Thalassemia and cystic fibrosis and chromosomal disorders like Klinefelter's sysn- drome, Turner's syndrome, Down syndrome, Edwards syn- drome, Patau syndrome, Cridu chat syndrome, Chronic Myelo genous Leukemia.
Significance, goals and salient features of Human Genome Pro ject are another contents should be learned by students.
Students should concentrate on the process of DNA finger printing regarding the procedure, applications of that method for future studies also.
3 - 4 questions are expecting from this unit in EAMCET.
Students should practice pedigree charts, genetic dis- orders, sex linked inheritance, sex determination, mendelian disorders, inheritance of blood groups, erythroblastosis foeta- lis, genic balance theory etc.,
We expect 12 marks weightage will be given to this chapter for IPE.
They are in the form of 1 LAQ and 1 SAQ.
Students should practice the writing of answers for 2 or 3 times during preparation. It helps them to write the answers very effective in final exam.
1. Multiple allelism
2. Criss cross inheritance.
3. Chromosomal theory of sex determination.
4. Common genetic disorders.
1. Erythroblastosis foetalis.
2. Autosomal genetic disorders.
3. Genic balance theory of sex determination.
4. Sex influenced characters in human beings.
5. Salient features of CGP.
6. Steps involved in DNA finger printing.