కె. శ్రీనివాసులు
* This unit covers the methods of locomotion and types of repro- duction in Protozoans. Proto- zoans are unicellular organsisms. Inspite of having single cell they show different activities like locomotion and reproduction.
* Voluntary movement of an orga- nism from one place to another is known as locomotion.
* Reproduction is a biological process in which an organism gives rise to off springs similar to itself.
Important Content:
Locomotion In Protozoa:
* Pseudopodia are present in rhizopods. There are four types of pseudopodia namely lobo-podia, filopodia, reticulopodia and axopodia (heliopodia).
* Pseudopodium is formed by the conversion of outer gel to inner- sol part and vice versa.
* Sol-gel theory is the most acce-pted theory to explain the forma-tion of pseudopodium.
* Allen's theory of Front contra- ction or fountain zone theory is considered as the more appro- priate theory.
* Amoeboid movement is the most primitive and slowest type of locomotion.
* Flagella are the long whip like organelles present in mastigo phoran protozoans.
* Typical flagellum consists of axoneme, microtubules, dynein arms, sheaths, radial spokes, lateral appendages etc.,
* Axoneme is the central longi tudinal microtubular structure surrounded by a membrane.
* Axoneme is made up of 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules with 2 central singlets and 9 peri pheral doublets. These are formed by the protein known as tubulin.
* Peripheral doublets are inter-connected by linkers known as nexins.
* 'A' tubule of each doublet consists dynein arms. Dynein arms are considered protein motor molecules.
* Inner sheath surrounds central singlets while peripheral dou blets are covered by outer sheath.
* Radial spokes are elastic fibres that connect the inner sheath with 'A' tubule of each doublet.
* Centriole is modified as basal granule or kinetosome which gives rise to cilium or flagellum. It is present in ectoplasm. It is a cylindrical body formed by 9 peripheral triplets arranged in a circle.
* Rootlets are the communication tubules which connect basal granule to plasma membrane and nucleus to pull the flagellum and later its orientation.
* Mastigonemes are the lateral appendages present as one or two or many rows of short hair like fibrils for a flagellum.
* Number and arrangement of flagella in different flagellates appear in the following manner.
* Trypanosoma: single flagellum, arising at the rear end of the body.
* Euglena : two flagella parallel to each other.
* Trichomonas : four flagella.
* Giardia : four pairs.
* Trichonympha : many flagella.
Types of flagella:
* Primitive ciliates like Para mecium has cilia on the entire body .. holotrichous.
* Advanced ciliates like Vorticella has cilia at peristomial region around the mouth only… peritrichous.
* Infraciliary system consists of kinetosomes, kinetodesmal fibrils and kinetodesmata.
* Infraciliary system connects with motorium present near cyto- pharynx and form neuromotor system which controls and coor dinates the movement of cilia.
* Myonemes are contractile fibrils present below the pellicle in ectoplasm in flagellates, apicom- plexans and ciliates.
* Flagella and cilia are unduli- podia.
* Bending movements are shown by flagella and cilia.
* Undulations from base to tip of flagellum provide pushing force while undulations from tip to base provide pulling force.
* Sidewise lashing movements include effective stroke and recovery stroke.
* Cilia of transverse row show synchronous movement by beating simultaneously.
* Cilia of longitudinal row show metachronous movement where the cilia beat one after another like a wave.
* Myonemes help in gliding locomotion.
Reproduction In Protozoans
* Methods of asexual reproductive methods in protozoans are binary fission and multiple fission.
* Binary fission occurs in favourable conditions. It occurs in either longitudianal or tran sverse.
* Longitudinal binary fission occurs in the flagellates like Euglena, Trypanosoma and ciliates like Vorticella.
* Longitudinal binary fission in Euglena starts with karyokinesis which is followed by cytokinesis.
* Various organelles undergo following changes during binary fission in the following manner.
a) Some organelles divide and distribute equally to both daughters….Nucleus,chroma- tophores & basal granules.
b) Some organelles of parent retained by one daughter.. other one gets new.. Flagella
c) Some organelles disintegrate during process. Both dau ghters get new---paraflagellar body, stigma and contractile vacuole.
* Longitudinal binary fission is considered as symmetrogenic division as the both daughters resemble each other like mirror images.
* Ciliates like Paramecium per- forms transverse binary fission.
* Micronucelus undergoes mitotic division while macro nucleus undergoes amitotic division.
* Anterior daughter is Proter and posterior one is Opisthe.
* Proter gets cytostome, anterior contractile vacuole from mother.
* Opisthe gets posterior contractile vacuole only from mother.
* Transverse binary fission is considered as homothetogenic fission as the plane of fission is at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the body.
* It is also known as perkinetal fission because it occurs at right angles to the kineties.
* Multiple fission occurs in the form of schizogony, male game- togony, sporogony in Plas- modium and sporulation in Amoeba.
* Sexual reproduction in proto- zoans occurs by the fusion of pronuclei of gametes.
* Syngamy is fusion of two gametes. It is either isogamy with the fusion of similar type of gametes or anisogamy with the fusion of dissimilar type of gametes.
* Hologamy is the fusion of mature organisms without formation of gametes.