జంతుశాస్త్రము | Zoology | Sakshi
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Published Tue, Jan 21 2014 11:28 PM | Last Updated on Tue, Sep 4 2018 5:07 PM

జంతుశాస్త్రము - Sakshi


     This unit comprises the most important topic in junior inter zoology.

     It consists of  parasitism, health and disease, TDA abuse etc.,

     It is the most important topic for biology students whose aim is to become doctors to know about the health and disease, symptoms of various types of diseases, treatment and preventive measures and the effects of tobacco, alcohol and drug abuse.

 Important contents & suggestions
     Parasitism is an intimate association between two organisms of different species in which one is benefited (parasite) and the other one is often adversely affected (host).

     Students should prepare the types of parasites like ecto, endo, cytozoic, histozoic, coelozoic types and their examples.

     Prepare the meaning of hyper parasitism and examples given there.

     Difference between monogenetic and digenetic parasites and their examples is also important.

     Types of hosts like primary, secondary and reservoir hosts and their examples also important for exams.

     Parasitic adaptations like protective cuticle, anti enzymes, obligatory anaerobes, facultative anaerobes, reproductive poten- tial, complexity in life cycles of parasites for successful parasitic life etc., are also important.

     Effects of parasites in hosts like parasitic castration, neoplasia, gigantism, hyperplasia, hypertrophy etc., and their examples also very important for competitive exams.

     Students should learn the cond- itions of health and diseases also.

 In this unit, students should prepare the structure and life cycles of four parasites which cause diseases in man… like Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Ascaris and Wuchereria.

 In this preparation students should concentrate on the following contents of various parasites…
 Important points about the structure of parasites, infective stages of parasites to primary hosts and intermediate hosts, mode of transmission, pathogenicity,  symptoms of diseases etc.,

 Note: Students should  concentrate over the following points of  all the four parasites….

     Characteristic features of trophozoite of Entameoba histolytica like cartwheel like nucleus, presence of RBC in food vacuoles.

     Absence of mitochondria in trophozoite indicates the obligate anaerobic nature of parasite.

     Encystation occurs in the lumen of large intestine while excystation occurs in the lumen of small intestine of man by the action of trypsin. It indicates the cyst is made with proteins.

     In the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax, asexual phase occurs in man and sexual phase occurs in female Anopheles.
     This unit is most important topic for IPE with the weightage of 14 marks out of 60.

     It comprises of 1 LAQ, 1 SAQ and 1 VSAQ.

     Students should practice diagrams for life cycles of parasites.

 Important LAQs  
 1.    Life cycle of Plasmodium in mosquito
 2.    life cycle of Plasmodium in man.
 3.    Structure and life cycle of Ascaris lumbricoides.
 4.    structure and life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica.



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