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Alstonia is an example for ..

Published Sat, Apr 4 2015 11:21 PM | Last Updated on Fri, Nov 9 2018 5:02 PM

Alstonia is an example for .. - Sakshi

Alstonia is an example for ..


A student can comfortably start reading with Morphology of Angiosperms. Three questions can be expected from this chapter alone. Botanical names and their common names and various features of the plants must be thoroughly remembered. All the questions are knowledge based but clubbing with  more characters is possible. After studying the chapter the student must spend few minutes to recollect the same. “Match the following type” questions are easy to answer provided the student has information.
 Morphology should be followed by Taxonomy of Angiosperms. More than the important features of the families, plant names and their vernacular names and economic importance are to be remembered. After reading, student should write down few plant names and their characters randomly to check his recollecting abilities. The chapter ‘Living world’ is related taxonomy. Student can go through this once.
 In Ecology chapter most of the examples are already studied from morphology. Anatomical characters can be easily remembered. The four ecological services with examples are important for the exam point of view.
Model Questions

1.    ‘Syconus’ is
     1)    Multiple fruit developing from Catkin
     2)    Single seeded dry fruit with fused fruit wall and seed coat
     3)    The compound fruit developing from hypanthodium inflorescence
     4)    The dry fruit that dehisces into single seeded bits called mericarp
2.    Ananas sativus belongs to family
     1) Bromeliaceae  2) Moraceae
     3) Annonaceae     4) Anacardiaceae
3.    Carrot shows
     A) Storage tap root
     B) Unisexual flowers
     C)    Pedicillate  racemose inflorescence
     D)    Vegetative buds help in propagation
     1) A & B    2) B & C
     3) A & C    4) C & D
4.    Assertion(A): Cuscuta is a complete parasite
     Reason(R): It is achlorophyllous.
     1)    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
     2)    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
     3)    A is true, R is false
     4)    A is false, R is true
5.    Lateral branch of one inter node length helps in vegetative propagation in
     1) Asparagus    2) Pistia
     3) Ananas    4) Dioscoria
6.    Alternate phyllotaxy and fruits with false septum are seen in
     1) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
     2) Tomato    3) Brassica
     4) Cucumber

 7.    Assertion(A): In Agave inflorescence helps in both sexual and vegetative reproduction.
     Reason(R): In Agave some of the floral buds can develop into new plants
     1)    Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
     2)    Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
     3)    A is true, R is false
     4)    A is false, R is true
8.    Alstonia is an example for
     1)    Underground stem modification
     2)    More than two leaflets arising from a common point
     3) Tendrillar leaf
     4)    More than two leaves arising from a node
9.    Inflorescence with naked flowers
     1) Cyathium
     2) Compound spadix in Cocos
     3) Compound spike
     4) Hypanthodium
10.    Sessile and unisexual flowers are arranged in acropetal succession and inflorescence is protected by a modified bract in    
     1) Tridax    2) Sunflower
     3) Cocos    4) Bougainvillea
11.    Match the following
     List - I    
     A) Banana    B) Lemon    
     C) Peach    D) Mustard
     List - II
     I) Axile placentation
     II) Cup shaped thalamus
     III) Parthenocarpic fruit
     IV) Spine
     V) Stamens of different lengths
             A    B    C    D
     1)    III    I    II    V
     2)    II    IV    V    I
     3)    I    IV    III    II
     4)    III    IV    I    V
12.    False statement regarding China rose
     A) Axile placentation
     B) Monoadelphous stamens
     C) Twisted perianth
     D) Cup shaped thalamus
     E) Branched peduncle
     1) A, B, C    2) C, D, E
     3) B, C, E    4) D & E
13.    Observe the following
     Botanical name
     A) Artocarpus integrifolia
     B) Arachis hypogea
     C) Mangifera indica
     D) Cocos nucifera
     Moraceae    Fabaceae
     Anacardiaceae    Rutaceae
     Sorosis    Capsule
     Drupe    Drupe
     Find the correct matching
     1) A & B    2) B & C
     3) A & C    4) A, C & D
14.    True statement regarding Bentham and Hooker classification
     1)    It is an artificial system of classification
     2)    Families are called natural orders.
     3)    It is a classification of both cryptogames and phanerogams
     4)    They published the classification with a title ‘Historia Plantarum’
15.    Character of the corolla that cannot be represented by floral formula
     I) Aestivation    II) Union
     III) Number
     IV) Position of odd Petal
     1) I & IV    2) II & III
     3) III & IV    4) I & II
16.    Monoadelphous condition is seen in
     1) Hibiscus    2) Arachis
     3) Crotalaria    4) All the above
17.    Protogyny is observed in
     I) Solanum    II) Colchicum
     III) Allium    IV) Pisum
     1) I & III    2) II & IV
     3) Only I    4) I & II
18.    Number of whorls in Allium flower
     1) 3    2) 4    3) 5    4) 6
19.    Sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body of a living organism is called as
     1) Life process    2) Metabolism
     3) Irritability    4) Growth
20.    An account of habitat and distribution of plant of a given area is
     1) Catalogue    2) Manual
     3) Key    4) Flora
 Key: 1) 3    2) 1    3) 3    4) 1
 5) 2    6) 3    7) 1    8) 4    9) 1
 10) 3    11) 1    12) 1    13) 3    14) 2
 15) 1    16) 4    17) 4    18) 3    19) 2    
 20) 4
For the EAMCET examination preparation the last 30 days are crucial. Student’s performance depends on how best he has utilized these days. The student has to revise the topics with a well planned schedule for every subject. For the subject Botany the topics can be grouped according to the importance for the purpose of examination. Important chapters can be revised first. Priority must be given to chapters like Morphology of Flowering Plants, Taxonomy of Angiosperms, The Living World and Ecology- all are related.


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