Who among the following is a Lawyer ?
Banks Special
Model Questions
Directions(Q. 1-5): Study the follo-wing information carefully and ans-wer the questions given below it.
In a certain code, 'he is waiting there' is written as 'la pa ro ta', 'there is the train' is written as 'zo ro ji la', 'waiting at the station' is written as' ma ta fu ji' and 'is this a station' is written as 'fu bi ro vi'
1. What is the code for 'he'?
1) la 2) pa 3) ro 4) ta 5) Either la or zo
2. What does 'la' stands for?
1) is 2) train 3) waiting 4) the 5) there
3. Which of the following represent 'the train station'?
1) zo la na 2) fu ji ta
3) fu ji zo 4) ro zo fu 5) Can't be determined
4. What is the code for 'at'? 1) ma 2) ji 3) fu
4) ta 5) Can't be determined
5. Which of the following may represent 'guard is waiting'?
1) ro ta zo 2) ta ki ro
3) fu zo ki 4) ta ro ji
5) lo ma ra
Direction (Q.6-10): In each que-stion below are two statements followed by two conclusions I, II and III. You have to take the two given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given two statements disregarding commonly known facts.
6. Statements:
All matches are cups
Some fields are not viewers
All viewers are fans
Some matches are not fans
I. some cups which are fans are not viewers
II. some matches which are not viewers are cups.
III. some fields which are fans ar e not matches
1) I and III follows 2) Only II follows
3) II and III follows
4) Only III follows 5) None
7. Statements:
All boys are intelligent
Very few girls are intelligent
None of girl is leader
Some professors are leaders as well as boys.
I. 36% of girls are intelligent
II. 2% girls are intelligent
III. Some boys can never
be a girl
1) Only II follows
2) Only III follows
3) Both I and II follow
4) None follows 5) All follow
8. Conclusions:
I. All leaders are professors
II. There is a possibility that every girl can be professor
III. All professors can be leaders
1) None follows
2) Only II follows
3) Both II and III follow
4) Only III follows
5) None of these
9. Conclusions:
I. Al least some professors
are girls
II. No professor is intelligent
III. 5% professors are leaders
1) Only I follows
2) Only II follows
3) Only III follows
4) Both II and III follow
5) None of these
10. Statements:
Some reds are crows
All crows are yellows
All yellows are rabbits
I. All crows are rabbits
II. Some yellows are reds
III. Some reds are rabbits
1) All follow 2) Only I follows
3) I and II follows
4) Either I or II follows
5) None
Directions (Q.11-15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
A group of friends having seven members, A, B, C, D, E, F and G contains four men and three women. Each one of them has a different profession, stock broker, lawyer, do-ctor, professor, engineer, busine-ssman and banker and each one has passed out of a different colleges P, S, V, W, X, Y and Z not necessarily in the same order. None of the women is a businessman or a stock broker. C is a doctor and she has passed out from 'College X'. A is 'College Y' pass out. B is not a professor E is banker and 'College S' passed out. F is a stock broker and has not studied in 'College P'. G is a businessman and has studied in 'College Y'. The professor is 'College Z' passed out. The lawyer has studied in 'College P'. None of the ladies has studied in 'College R' or 'College S'.
11. Which of the following combi-nation is correct?
1) B - Doctor - female
2) C - W- male
3) A - Businessman - Y
4) D - Professor - male
5) None of the above
12. Which of the following groups represents ladies in the group of friends ?
1) A, B, C 2) E, F, G
3) B, C, D 4) B, E, G 5) None of these
13. Who among the following is a Lawyer ?
1) A 2) B 3) E 4) G 5) None of these
14. What is the profession of D? 1) Doctor 2) Stock broker 3) Engineer 4) Professor 5) None of these
15. From which of the following colleges has the stock broker? 1) W 2) Y 3) S 4) X 5) None of these
Direction (Q.16-20): Read the follo-wing passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Eight people E, F, G, H, J, K, L and M are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each of them is of a different profession Charted Accountant, Columnist, Doctor, En-gineer, Financial Analyst, Lawyer, Professor and Scientist but not necessarily in the same order. F is sitting second to the left of K. The Scientist is immediate neighbor of K. There are only three people between the Scientist and E. The Columnist is to immediate right of the Engineer. M is second to the right of K. H is the Scientist G and J are immediate neighbours of each other. Neither G nor J is an Engineer. The Financial Analyst is immediate left of F. The Lawyer is second to the right of the Columnist. The Professor is an immediate neighbor of the Engineer G is second to the right of the Charted Accountant.
16. Who is sitting second to the right of E?
1) The lawyer 2) G
3) The Engineer 4) F
5) K
17. Who amongst the following is the professor?
1) F 2) L 3) M
4) K 5) J
18. Four of the following five one alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
1) Chartered Accountant - J
2) M-doctor
3) J - Engineer
4) Financial Analyst -L
5) Lawyer - K
19. What is the profession of L with respect to the Scientist?
1) Third to the left 2) Second to the right
3) Second to the left
4) Third to the right
5) Immediate right
20. Which of the following state-ments is true according to the given statements?
1) The Lawyer is second to the left of the Doctor
2) E is an immediate neighbour of Financial Analyst
3) H sits exactly between F and Financial Analyst
4) Only four people sits between Columnist and F
5) All are true
Direction (Q.21-25): Read each statement carefully and answer the following questions.
21. Which of the following ex-pressions will be true, if the expression R > O = A > S < T is definitely true?
1) O > T 2) S < R
3) T > A 4) S = O
5) T < R
22. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression in order to make the expression 'P > A' as well as 'T < L' definitely true?
1) £ 2) > 3) < 4) ³
5) Either (1) or (2)
23. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that make the expression B > N as well as
D £ L definitely true?
B _ L _ O _ N _ D
1) =, =, ³ , ³ 2) >, ³, =, > 3) >, <, =, £ 4) ³, =, =, ³ 5) >, =, ³, <
24. Which of the following should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression A < P definitely false? _ £ _ < _ > _
1) L, N, P, A 2) L, A, P, N 3) A, L, P, N 4) N, A, P, L 5) P, N, A, L
25. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression 'F > N' and U > D' definitely false?
F _ O _ U _ N _ D
1) <, <, >, = 2) <, =, =, > 3) <, =, =, < 4) ³, =, =, > 5) >, >, =, <
Directions (Q.26&27): In each ques-tion below is given statement follo-wed by two conclusions numbered I and II You have to assume every-thing in the statement to be true then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reason-able doubt from the information given in the statement .
Give answer (1)
If only conclusion I follows.
Give answer (2)
If only conclusion II follows.
Give answer (3)
If either I or II follows.
Give answer (4)
If neither I nor II follows, and
Give answer (5)
If both I and II follow.
26. Statement: The cabinet of State 'X' took certain steps to tackle the milk glut in the state as the co-operatives and Government dai-ries failed to use the available milk As news report Conclusions:
I. The milk production of State 'X' is more than its need.
II. The Government and co-op-erative dairies in State 'X' are not equipped in terms of re-sources and technology to handle such excess milk.
27. Statement: It has been decided by the Government to withdraw 33% of the subsidy on cooking gas from Die beginning of next month-A spokesman of the Go-vernment. Conclusions:
I. People now no more desire of need such subsidy from Go-vernment as they can afford increased price of the cooking gas.
II. The price of the cooking gas will increase at least by 33% from the next month.
1) 2 2) 5 3) 3 4) 1
5) 2 6) 2 7) 3 8) 3
9) 3 10) 1 11) 5 12) 3
13) 2 14) 4 15) 1 16) 2
17) 4 18) 3 19) 2 20) 1
21) 2 22) 2 23) 4 24) 5
25) 3 26) 5 27) 4