ఇంగ్లాండ్ ఈజ్ రిలేటడ్ టు అట్లాంటిక్ ఓషన్ | 'England' is related to 'Atlantic Ocean'... | Sakshi
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ఇంగ్లాండ్ ఈజ్ రిలేటడ్ టు అట్లాంటిక్ ఓషన్

Published Thu, Jan 16 2014 2:40 PM | Last Updated on Mon, Aug 20 2018 8:20 PM

'England' is related to 'Atlantic Ocean'...

 Competitive Guidance:Banks English
 Associate Professor in English, Hyderabad.
In the last session we have seen comprehension passages, cloze test, substitution and rearranging the sentences to form meaningful passage. To provide a better clarity let us take a look at the other areas and practice a few more tests.
Directions: which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (e) i.e. No correction required as the answer.
 1.Lift the handset only after paid a one rupee coin.
 a) Paying a one-rupee coin
 b) You pay one rupee coin
 c) You paid rupee coin
 d) Pay one rupee coin
 e) No correction required
 2.Good life according to many people is to making more and more money.
 a) Is making    
 b) Is made
 c) Are made
 d) Are making
 e) No correction required
 3.His behaviour with all his employees is so pleasing, that everyone come forward for helping him.
     a) Came towards him for help
     b) Comes towards him for help
     c) Comes forward to help him
     d) Comes forward for help him
     e) No correction required
 4.    A master should never impose his servants too much work.
     a) His servants with too much work
     b) Too much work with his servants
     c) Too much work on his servants
     d) Much work for his servants
     e) No correction required
 5.    What matter does most is the quality and not the quantity.
     a) What does matter
     b) What does it matter    c) That matters
     d) What matters
     e) No correction required
 6.    The commissioner burst into rage and ordered immediately suspension of the inspector who had arrested the innocent boy.
     a) Order immediately
     b) Order immediate
     c) Ordered immediate
     d) Ordering immediate
     e) No correction required
 7.    He would be like to have some ice-cream.
     a) Would like to    b) Would be liked to
     c) Was to be liking to
     d) Would being liked to
     e) No correction required
 8.    Not knowing the language and had no friends in the country, he found it impossible to get job.
     a) Has no     b) With having
     c) With having not    d) Having no
     e) No correction required
 9.    She will not attend the meeting until she is asked to.
     a) Except    b) Even with
     c) Even except    d) Unless
     e) No correction required
 10.    Because of his smart work, he is in the good books of his employer.
     a) In the better books
     b) In the good book    c) In the best books
     d) Into the best book
     e) No correction required
 11.    A student was arrested for displaying an indecently artwork in public.
     a) An indecent    b) Indecently
     c) The indecently    d) Any of incident
     e) No correction required
 12.    He did not like me to smoking in the presence of teacher yesterday.
     a) That I smoke    b) My smoking
     c) Me smoking    d) Smoking by me
     e) No correction required
 13.    The scenery around the hill stations of Himachal Pradesh is quite picturesque and enjoyed.
     a) Quite picturesque and enjoyable
     b) Quite picturesque and enjoy
     c) Quietly picturesque and enjoyed
     d) Quietly picturesque and enjoyable
     e) No correction required
 14.    Within three years, he demonstrated a dramatic improved business performance.
     a) Dramatic improved
     b) The dramatically improved
     c) A dramatically improved
     d) A dramatic improvement
     e) No correction required
 15.    Had he been presented there, he would have put an end to the happenings.
     a) If he had been presented
     b) If he had been present
     c) Had he present
     d) If he present
     e) No correction required
 1.A - the gerund form of the verb (-ing) should be used.
 2.A - 'to making' is a wrong construction in this sentence
 3.C - to infinitive form of the verb should be used instead of the gerund form
 5.D - the usage of 'does' is not required in this sentence
 6.C - the adjective form of the word is the correct usage
 9.D - the right conjunction to be used in this sentence is not 'until' whereas it is 'unless'
 10.E 'to be in the good books' an expression used for appreciation
 11.A- adjective should be used to qualify a noun
 12.B- After 'like' a gerund should come and before gerund pronoun should be in possessive form.
 13.A- the adjective of 'enjoy' is required
 14.C- Determiner+ Adverb + Adjective + Noun. Here 'a' is proper.
 15.B- Past conditional sentence (If+ S + had +V3, S + would have + V3)
 Directions: Choose the correct analogy from the four alternatives given
 1.'Braille' is related to 'Blindness' in the same way as 'Sign' is related to
 a) Exceptional
 b) touch    
 c) deafness
 d) presentation
 2.'Boat' is related to 'Oar' in the same way as 'Bicycle' is related to
 a) Road     b) wheel
 c) seat     d) paddle
 3.    'Match' is related to 'Victory' in the same way as 'Examination' is related to
 a) write     b) appear
 c) success     d) attempt
 4.    'Heart' is related to 'Blood' in the same way as 'Lung' is related to
 a) Oxygen     b) chest
 c) purification     d) air
 5.    'Face' is related to 'Expression' in the same way as 'Hand' is related to
 a) Gesture     b) work
 c) handshake     d) pointing
 6.    'Wine' is related to 'Grapes' in the same way as 'Vodka' is related to
     a) apples     b) potatoes
     c) oranges     d) flour
 7.    'Golf' is related to 'Holes' in the same way as 'Baseball' is related to
     a) innings     b) goal
     c) points     d) serve
 8.    'England' is related to 'Atlantic Ocean' in the same way as 'Greenland' is related to
     a) Pacific ocean     b) Atlantic Ocean
     c) Arctic ocean     d) Antarctica ocean
 9.    'Demographer' is related to 'People' in the same way as 'Philatelist' is related to
     a) fossils     b) stamps
     c) photography     d) music
 10.    'Eye' is to 'See' in the same way as 'Ear' is to
     a) Ring     b) sound
     c) hear     d) smell
 11.    'Disease' is related to 'Pathology' in the same way as 'Planet' is related to
     a) sun     b) satellite
     c) astronomy     d) orbit
 12.    'Mountain' is related to 'Valley' in the same way as 'Enemy' is related to
     a) cruel     b) stranger
     c) friend     d) country
 13.    'Horse' is related to 'Hoof' in the same way as 'Eagle' is related to
     a) claw     b) clutch
     c) leg     d) foot
 14.    'Cube' is related to 'Square' in the same way as 'Square' is related to
     a) plane     b) triangle
     c) line     d) point
 15.    'Much' is related to 'Many' in the same way as 'Measure' is related to
 a) count
 b) calculate
 c) measure
 d) weight
 1.C- 'Braille' is the technique of reading and writing for the blind persons. Similarly 'Sign language' is the technique of reading and writing for the deaf persons.
 2.D- 'Oar' is a device to push a 'Boat'. In the same way 'Paddle' is used to push the 'Bicycle'.
 3.C- 'Victory' may be an outcome of 'Match'. Likewise 'Success' is one of the outcomes of 'Examination'.
 4.A- 'Heart' is the organ which deals with the pumping and flow of 'Blood'. In the same way 'Lungs' deals with the storage and flow of 'oxygen'.
 5.A- 'Expression' a person is read from the 'Face'. Likewise 'Gesture' of a person is read from the position of the 'Hand'.
 6.D- 'Wine' is made from 'grapes' and 'Vodka' is made from 'Flour'.
 7.A- 'Holes' is related to 'Golf'. In the same way, 'innings' is related to 'baseball'.
 8.C- 'England' is situated in 'Atlantic Ocean'. 'Greenland' is situated in 'Arctic Ocean'.
 9.B- 'Demographer' is related with the study of Statistics related to 'People'. Similarly 'Philatelist' is related to the study of 'Stamps'.
 10.C- The function of the 'Eye' is to see and that of 'Ear' is to 'Hear'.
 11.C- 'Pathology' is the branch of medical science which helps to detect symptoms of 'Diseases' and 'Astronomy' is the study to know about 'Planets'.
 12.C - 'Mountain' is antonym of 'Valley'. Likewise 'Friend' is the antonym of 'Enemy'.
 13.A- The lower part of feet of 'Horse' is known as 'Hoof'. In the same way, lower part of the feet of 'Eagle' is known as 'Claw'.
 14.C- 'Cube' comprises 'Square' on all of its surfaces, likewise 'Square' has 'Line' on all its side.
 15.A- 'Much' is synonym of 'Many'. Similarly, 'Measure' is synonym of 'Count'.


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